What are the arguments for this being the best souls game?

What are the arguments for this being the best souls game?

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Because despite the NUMEROUS flaws, the highs are much higher than those of 1 and a lot of 3.

Shitton of fantastic bosses, builds, replayability, the world you're in, Majula, the pit, doors of Pharros, Vendrick, Drangleic castle, dragon aerie, phenomenal DLCs, fashion souls, and actual new game +, games runs at a trillion fps on a nokia 3310 meaning devs actually gave a fuck unlike 1 where it took some random modder to unlock proper resolution scaling. Also the great lore and the subtle ways it connects to the story of both 1 and 3.

Imagine if Tanimura was in charge from the start instead of an inbred mongoloid that got fired because even the higher ups who never played a game in their lives realized he had no idea what he was doing.
But be sure to play sotfs, vanilla 2 is cringe af desu senpai.

>least linear in the series
>most diverse environments in the series
>longest in the series
>most amount of weapons in the series
>most amount of armor and customization in the series
>biggest build variety in the series
>most amount of magic/miracles/hex/pyros
>best online mode in the series
>easiest to start a build in the series
>best girls in the series
>best and most SOULful covenants
>dual wielding and power stance
>offers rewards for fun challenges such as no death run
>NG+ has new enemies/items/events and some remixed bosses
>the only game in the series which doesn't force you to grind
>3 weapon slots in each hand
>4 ring slots
>reddit hates it

QOL improvements introduced by Dark Souls 2
>you can skip logos at startup (without mods)
>R3 to jump
>you can choose how many of the same item you want to consume at the same time
>weapon durability bar below weapon icon
>inventory items displayed in grids instead of list
>climb ladders faster and being able to let go of ladders
>roll through doors to open them faster
>can turn a specific area to NG+ mode (Bonfire Ascetic)
>can continue your playthrough after beating the last boss and can choose when to start NG+
>controller vibrates when summoned

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Emerald Herald

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A lot of build diversity, a lot of great fashion, a lot of neat animation changes including more "BADASS XD" backstabs, neat replayability options, little things of effort like how the characters' stance changes when in a menu, some neat DLC fights, powerstancing and aesetics and other features.
There's plenty of good in DS2 yet it all gets drowned out by being in a hideously unfun world with boring NPCs, bosses, and PvE combat with some of the worst decisions ever. Meanwhile, DS3 fills all the holes DS2 left empty while fucking up everything else, what's with these two sequels???

Attached: dark souls 2 preoder dlc.jpg (1024x1024, 153.23K)

Bear seek seek lest is 10/10 kino writing

mental illness

best areas
best pvp viability
minimized midgame slog that's terrible especially in 3

even now it still holds up but during release with an active playerbase and non-metaslave pvp it was magical, the perfect game