Can we talk about Nvidia deliberately stifling and ruining PC gaming?

Can we talk about Nvidia deliberately stifling and ruining PC gaming?

>Introduces FXAA
>Introduces TXAA
>Coerces developers to support FXAA and TXAA only
>Both look like blurry shit
>Offer DLSS which works around TXAA rather than with it
>Claim it looks better than native because they paid developers to include shitty TXAA blur filters

They do this shit every fucking generation.
Physx, hairworks, gameworks, shit they even used to pay for early access to game builds to make drivers. Remember when Crysis had tessellated water under the map at orders of magnitude higher than AMD cards were optimised for? I do.
Every fucking generation. What is their problem?

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I just think it is cool that their new GPUs are manufactured in kitchen ovens.

I'm still buying a 3080, AMDfag and there is NOTHING you can do about it

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>Nvidia disliked companies using GTX 480s for rendering, and subsequently neutered FP64 performance in the 580
>Nvidia routinely cheated in benchmarks by overriding in-game settings to render textures at lower quality than had been set by the user
>Nvidia used to cheat thermal benchmarks by having a hidden power profile that only activated on tests such as Furmark

Why are they such jews?

Fxaa and taa suck but MSAA is unusable with modern renderers retard, even if AMD was in control it’d still be like that

Imagine whining about AA. You're so autistic.

Attached: witcher3_2020_07_11_08_56_24_245.jpg (2800x1400, 1.54M)

It blurs the entire scene, significantly. The only reason their DLSS 'looks better than' native, is because of a shitty implementation of AA, that they made.

Nvidia sabotage PC gaming every generation.

Reminder Nvidia literally gimps their hardware with gameworks

Attached: 1463369659480.png (1600x1607, 467.3K)

The thing I'm most salty about is PhysX. Had Nvidia not cannibalized that whole market, the physics simulation we would have today would be crazy. Realistic hair and environments, clothes that get heavy and stick to models when wet, realistic water, fighting games with real body collision physics... who knows

You don't have to use it and it offers anti-aliasing. Stop being a sperg.

>Source: Trust Me Guys

Amd fags were already on suicide watch, and now that the 3070 is 4x stronger than their best card at only $500 they literally have nothing else to live for

Seethe and cope, AMDrone. What has your company done other than support the console industry?

>hurr it's not deceptive
>hurr it's not holding shit ransom
>hurr nvidia don't pay developers to implement their shitty tech
>hurr nvidia aren't selling you the solution to the problem they created
imagine supporting the green jew

FXAA and TAA were originally designed for console games they have absolutely nothing to do with Nvidia

you're an autistic lost cause

Are you retarded? Both were nvidia's design.

Atleast theyre pioneering new technology constantly unlike AMD who's always playing catchup to nvidia and when they finally do they nvidia already moved on to the next technology.

It’s been years since that amd thing and water under the map but I’ve noticed how a lot of games that have some sort of body of water and if you angle the camera just right or clip through, the area under the rendered world is just water. AMD is just garbage handling tessellation.

Are you?

>Introduces FXAA
They didn't you tech illiterate retard, they bought it from the guy who made it and then put it into their driver.
TXAA they did make, combining MSAA with FXAA, and its hot fucking garbage.
>Coerces developers to support FXAA and TXAA only
Source on that hot take you dumbass? Especially looking at literally any watch dogs or ass creed game and how they all support MSAA, since it's needed for TXAA to work to begin with.
>Offer DLSS which works around TXAA rather than with it
DLSS uses TAA you gigantic retard, not TXAA.
TXAA is hard dead for a long fucking time and TAA has nothing to do with nvidia to begin with.
>because they paid developers to include shitty TXAA
See above

TL DR; OP is a gigantic fucking tech illiterate retard, jesus fucking christ end yourself.

Attached: (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST).webm (540x360, 1.59M)

yeah fxaa and txaa are nvidia implementations but mlaa is basically the same as fxaa years earlier and taa was in crysis 2 at least a couple years before nvidia made txaa

>n-no you
FXAA and TXAA were literally designed by Nvidia.

Why would you support a company that goes out of its way to fuck you over?

why do people keep mixing up txaa and taa

At least nvidia actually innovates

Attached: 1599506232498.png (1360x1176, 1.24M)

Fuck are you talking about?

TXAA is great unless you're a spastic retard.

TAA is TXAA you gigantic fucking spastic.

TXAA is a specific implementation of TAA which is a category of algorithms

Plus there is more char on the burger from increased heat.

Except that TXAA means the game supports MSAA, which is 10 times better
TXAA is literally MSAA combined with FXAA or indeed some sort of early temporal anti aliased, but it's still using MSAA but at a lower demand / sample rate.

MSAA is 3x the performance for 1/2th the AA.

That's because it's doing the job it's intended for, rather than just blurring the entire screen. Nvidia pushing for TAA and then selling you a work around is the definition of a scam. The only reason they're getting away with this shit is because they have a monopoly.

You're just a retard who doesn't know what shimmering is.

>guys just buy this expensive GPU
>it lets you bypass the TAA we paid developers to implement
>look, we even paid these youtubers to make videos about it
>here's linus, and digital foundry
>we're gonna obsolete it in a year, but buy it anyway