Someone lend me a tenner?

Someone lend me a tenner?

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>bound tossin' 1 pound to mouse wheel
>play as totally-not-Enfield and rain singles on anyone who asks for some dosh
>Once an admin got upset and kicked me for it

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Still fucking mad about KH2.
>"We want a believable and somewhat realistic setting and characters."
>Even hire some real life military personnel for reload animations
>Smell the quick bucks
>Release Rae
>Release korean-mmo-tier cosmetics
>Keep releasing such shit
I wasn't even mad about the balance fuck ups desu.



He ded?

>got rid of the black chick
>game just generally doesn't feel as good
How did they get it so wrong?

Sad thing is it's the one people are playing.

KH2 is a fucking travesty. Like you said, the core elements are fine but they've coated it in so much shit its not worth playing over the original at all.
KH1 started to go to shit at the end too but at least it didn't start like that.

good riddance to that cant be caught socializing with the poor AND jealous

Underage detected

Pissing cash onto the dead boss at the end of the match is an experience that can never be replicated in any other game.

>anonymous has been pounded by a fleshpound.

KH2 shit
KH1 best

The inferior graphics really made the game spookier.


If its so great why does no one still play it?

Why are you posting in the killing floor thread if you have never played killing floor

typical london metro scene

if only we gave the iron lady an iron body so she could run Britain properly

wait why did we all say KH instead of KF

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I don't fucking know. Realized the same. Maybe I thought about Killing HEAP of shit.

Post gun waifu, for me its handcannon, one in each hand!

It might have been the vector clone for the medic but it was probably just the basic bitch mp7 because you got it for free and had ammo for days.
I remember the anti material rifle though when it first got added. Holy shit that thing was great and would pay for itself.


any kfmod chads here?

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>fuck you

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we'd all rather be playing kingdom hearts

the original ut2004 mod is spookier

>zeds now just teleport around the map
instant shit

People who were good at the game used to be able to do stuff better than others and that's a no-no in modern gaming.

dont mind
im gonna post some pictures

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Is this a kingdom hearts thread or a killing floor thread?

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fly fp fly

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I miss the christmas event like you wouldn't believe. was my go to winter game.

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i wont forgive how tripwire downgraded the lighting on KF1

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