>use key
>key gets consumed
Use key
it got stuck
Keys, by design, fit a specific lock
Are you planning to lock the dungeon door behind you after you enter??
ankha thread
>use key
>didn't have to, keyhole was already unlocked
>huff huff huff
why would you keep it? it won't work on other doors anyway, retard
>Enemies can lock doors
Post the cat, but her butt is fat.
Name one (1) game
>key can be used for any door in the dungeon except for the boss door
>key gets consumed after use
Posting in an Egyptian cat thread.
I've never played Animal Crossing but Isabelle and Ankha are THICC
Got you covered user
I fucking love girls with the Egyptian aesthetic
The alternative would be to have multiple keys for different doors. A perfectly acceptable option, to be sure, but it depends on the design of the level and not intuitive logic. For example, in Zelda you can use any normal key to open any normal locked door, and it works because the level (or dungeon) is supposed to have many sub-levels (or rooms) that can be completed in any order in the best case scenario or in a few sets of orders in the worst case scenario. Zelda's dungeon design would make it frustrating to need multiple specific keys to open multiple specific doors, barring the Boss Door, since you'd need to backtrack a lot more than usual. Could they have used something else besides a key to more intuitively communicate how these consumables work? Maybe. But they didn't, and no one cares, this is a bait thread and I'm bored as shit.
A counter-example would be old Doom, where you need specific coloured keys to open specific coloured doors, and yet they still limit the key count to 6. To no one's surprise, the most frustrating and backtrack-inducing Doom levels are those with more than 3 keys. Not that the keys have all the fault, but they definitely contribute to the problem.
It's the only way to make money
Indeed she is
Damn, now I want to rewatch Tutenstein.
They're quantum keys, they actually only go to one door, but the door that it goes to is undecided until you use it.
I feel like I've seen this before
>Replying to a spammer
does he post that on every coomer thread?