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this reeks of cope tbqh

It's gonna have GTA5 style microtransactions and CDPRfags will defend it.

Awesome, guess i'm still buying Cyberpunk 2077!

*lets you pay2win respectully*

> We're shit but we're not EA so we're 10/10!

Do vidya companies really...?

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No pay to win, sorry chinkset.

You might all hate it because it's Ubisoft but as far as I can tell the Division 1 is only cosmetic micro transactions.

>multiplayer only
>playing multiplayer games

That's not something to brag about. Not having micro transactions should be the bare fucking minimum. That's like claiming you're a good person because you don't kill people.

>the multiplayer is going to have microtransactions but we'll treat your money with respect
Multiplayer microtransactions are the absolute scummiest form of them though, what a joke lel

wasn't gonna play the multiplayer anyway so why should I care

At least now we know what this game WILL have.

>We always squirt some lube in your asshole first. We only rape with respect.

>they're literally going to copy the rockstar games formula

how much more shit can come out about this game before it releases

Great. So that's where all the missing features went. That big list of cut features? All gone to multiplayer and microtransactions.

This is triple A gaming lads.


good dog

The fucking state of this hobby. Imagine being so cucked that you now think cosmetic only micro transactions are a-ok. Horse armor would be fucking lauded these days


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It could aquire the FIFA license.

MP mtx is fine. Lil' zoomies and their parents money deserve to get fleeced anyway.

>macro transactions

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>GTA 5 but with cyberpunk

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they have trained you well

Fucking retard, you get keys for cosmetic loot boxes for playing. I've used 5 and still have 7 left

It’s more the issue that every generation gets dumber because no one stresses a good understanding of these ideas

Multiplayer is still part of the game, so your epic damage control doesn't work.

Imagine being so cucked you think non-gameplay affecting items should be free. Get a job, loser.

>we want to become even more mainstream!
>we want the GTA:O audience!

fuck off polish cunts

The initial grant they got from the Polish government to make the game required it to have some form of a multiplayer component.

they were free for fucking decades until retards like you let corporations get away with fucking you in the ass

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Its not since its not releasing with the game
