how does this make you based boys feel?
Mario 3D All Stars ALREADY Amazon's 2nd best selling game of 2020
The number 1 was Animal Crossing.
Nintendo is kicking the shit out of everyone.
only nintendies are enough of a consoomer to use amazon
I don't care one way or the other since it's Mario, his 3D ones no less, like what did anyone expect? For it to flop or get average sales? That'd just be silly to think.
Makes me feel like the Switch is in the middle of an extreme drought and Nintendo fans will buy anything.
I think it still says more about the state of 2020 that a Mario collection is this robust in terms of market performance.
>Tendies are enabling this scummy Disney Vault bullshit
>Nintendo will more than likely do it again with Zelda next year
the funny part is, this game will not flood the used game market like the last of shit 2 did
snoy cope
why don't you go play your overhyped exclusives no one cares about
Hope so :^)
as long you are still fat and old and don't have a gf I don't give a fuck
I mean, what the hell else are you going to play on your Switch?
Stay mad.
nintendo or xbox on the top of the charts kills the snoyg
snoys don't play games, they look at sales charts and jerk off to that
Why was I included in on this?
t. had his latest propaganda piece disguised as a game get blown out by Fall Guys.
>extreme drought
Drought? What drought?
2020 Switch exclusives:
>Animal Crossing New Horizons
>Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition
>Rune Factory 4S
>Rune Factory 5
>Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
>Bravely Default 2
>No More Heroes 3
>Deadly Premonition 2
>Brain Training Switch
>Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics
>Hatsune Miku Project Diva 39's
>Famicon Detective Club remake
>Sports Story
>Good Job!
>Brigandine: The Legend of Runersia
>Paper Mario: The Origami King
>New Pokémon Snap
>Azure Striker Gunvolt 3
>Vitamin Connection
>Pikmin 3 Deluxe
>Shantae Gameboy
>Taiko no Tatsujin: Rhythmic Adventure
>Super Mario Bros. 35
>Super Mario 3D All-Stars
>or xbox
xbox is dead bro
Jesus Christ Nintendo, give Sony and Microsoft a chance!
Not surprised
Told my non gamer adult friend about it, he put in 5 grand because he's buying limited edition Legos, games etc just to make bank
imagine if activision or sony or microsoft pulled off this shit
but it's awwwwright when nintendo does it
>imagine if activision or sony or microsoft pulled off this shit
They couldn't.
it can be atari or stadia
people play for fun, not to follow a cult
The only reason why it's selling well is nostalgia and that most people aren't going to turn on their PC for emulation or old dusty consoles to play it.
They want other people to know they're Nintendo fans on the Internet.
While Sony cockroaches are pathetic and Xbox is figuratively dead, they aren't filled with as much estrogen and s o y despite the snoy meme.
Most people didn't play the games. I never played Galaxy or Sunshine and i don't have a pc.
>A PS4 game case is 14mm thick.
>This "man" is 118 PS4 game cases tall.
>That's 1,652mm, or 5.4 ft.
When will they learn? Imagine being the size of a fucking ant.
You're a minority and possibly Gen Z.
I'm a Gen Y and dropped everything Nintendo after the SNES.
That's a really butthurt way of writing "people only buy this because they like it"
How does it make me feel?
To be honest OP, I don't know. I feel nothing about it. If you pushed me, I suppose I'd say I feel a little fucked off that Nintendo can slop together 3 old ports and still have their endless legions of fanboys defend them till their dying breath, but I don't really have much of an opinion on it.
I'm Gen Y and bought it cause I never owned Sunshine (and Galaxy but I don't care about that)
>Super Mario 3D All-Stars already outsold the 2020 sales of The Last of Us Part 2, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, and the Neon Switch console itself on Amazon and is one of the best selling games of 2020 in 4 days.
I'm not going to use 2020 buzzwords but normalfags likes to brag about buying popular things on the Internet.
How many of these normalfags will actually PLAY and FINISH these games?
>and the Neon Switch console itself on Amazon
Have fun then.
Those images are what i mean when normalfags likes to brag about buying popular things and share it on the Internet.
It doesn't matter which corporation they're shilling, it's simply pathetic.
A lot. Finish?
Not a lot.
But be honest user, what's the last game you finished?
That didn't sound right because didn't Madden just fucking come out?
But no, they're right, it is Animal Crossing and Mario 3D All Stars, followed by
>Minecraft (PC)
>Ring Fit Adventure
>Smash Ultimate
>Paper Mario TOK
>Luigi's Mansion 3
>Just Dance 2020(Switch version)
>Minecraft(Switch version)
>Pokemon Sword
>Carnival Games
>Sims 4
>NSMBU Deluxe
>NBA 2k20
>Civilization VI (Switch)
>Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition
I imagine stuff like Call of Duty and GTA and the sports games are all mostly digital anyway(e.g. not going to rank in Amazon). You play MW '19 back when the M4A1 was god and you see how many people are using the digital edition blueprint/skin.
It's easier to get a Switch game than the actual console these days, probably.
I will thanks
The last Nintendo console i had was the DS where i played 64 on. They can throw ports at me whatever they want and i buy it.
Spider Man PS4
Far Cry 3 when it was on sale for $5 a couple months ago.
Never played it before but you see it's $5 not $92.
He wasn't asking (You)
My post
the last of us 2 on youtube
This. Everybody knew this was coming out, it was leaked months ago. They knew they weren’t remasters, they knew Galaxy 2 wasn’t included. They knew 3D World was a separate release. It was the most anticipated direct ever and had more fake larping leaks than ever. So despite all the shitposting here the fact that this was successful shouldn’t surprise anybody. What is surprising (but also not surprising) is that it’s a limited release and they announced it two weeks prior to it being available.
Which Let's Player?
are you a seething snoy or is this all cope 'cause you can't afford the new mario
>Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition
>Rune Factory 4S
>Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
>Famicon Detective Club remake
>Pikmin 3 Deluxe
>Taiko no Tatsujin: Rhythmic Adventure
>Shantae Gameboy
>Super Mario 3D All-Stars
not releasing in 2020:
>Rune Factory 5
>Bravely Default 2
>No More Heroes 3
>Sports Story
>Azure Striker Gunvolt 3
>New Pokémon Snap
>Brain Training Switch
>Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics
>Good Job!
>Paper Mario: The Origami King
>Vitamin Connection
actually a good game
Nobody would care honestly
Why are Nintendo haters always so butthurt on the other hand?
The only exclusive i bought is Bloodborne, everything else is third party.
I'm a consolefag who play third party vidya.
No Nintendo or Sony exclusives interests me.
In fact if i had 300 IQ, i'd go for PC but i'm too lazy.
d-delet this