Tfw the chink gatcha genshin is unironically my goty and the game i look forward most

>tfw the chink gatcha genshin is unironically my goty and the game i look forward most
i still hate mihoyo for not letting me play the beta but i would kill any Zig Forumsnon to be able to play it right now

Attached: 1598903922891.png (586x898, 579.35K)

bump you fags

If you never played it, How is it goty

Attached: 1599235086033.png (417x707, 184.58K)

i has great anime butts and uncensored upskirt pantsus

So what's the deal with that china-only open beta they were having? Any way to play it outside of china?

where all the genshin fags

yuropoors are wageslaving, too early for west/east coast.

Still requesting a beta test client torrent. Don't tell me no one has dumped it anywhere.

most people that got in the beta were on ps4; the few others who got on pc were streamers and you can't expect that level of computer literacy from them

valve should hire me as an artist. Artifact was a shitty game, I hope Artifact 2 dies.