>tfw the chink gatcha genshin is unironically my goty and the game i look forward most
i still hate mihoyo for not letting me play the beta but i would kill any Zig Forumsnon to be able to play it right now
Tfw the chink gatcha genshin is unironically my goty and the game i look forward most
Lincoln Torres
Connor Williams
bump you fags
Leo Ross
If you never played it, How is it goty
Landon Harris
i has great anime butts and uncensored upskirt pantsus
Xavier Lee
So what's the deal with that china-only open beta they were having? Any way to play it outside of china?
Juan Baker
where all the genshin fags
Nathaniel Stewart
yuropoors are wageslaving, too early for west/east coast.
Aaron Campbell
Still requesting a beta test client torrent. Don't tell me no one has dumped it anywhere.
Eli Young
most people that got in the beta were on ps4; the few others who got on pc were streamers and you can't expect that level of computer literacy from them
Caleb Cruz
valve should hire me as an artist. Artifact was a shitty game, I hope Artifact 2 dies.