Sir, we need a new exclusive

>sir, we need a new exclusive
>awesome, we got just the right thing for you
>wow, what's this?
>It's astral chain, made by the bad boys from Platinum Games
>neat, so what's it like?
>imagine devil may cry with one button combat and the worst sidequests from nier
>That sounds terrible
>it is, we even used the Wonder-Liner from the Wonderful 101
>well that might be interesting, is it an improvement?
>no, it's actually worse in every way
>Is the setting good?
>nah, we went with generic anime, boring music and nothing great regarding the story
>yeah, so do we have a greenlight?
>fuck yeah you do. let's make two of these terrible games!
>thank you sir, I guarantee you this won't do more than a million copies

Attached: 910eMi3mDKL._AC_SY500_.jpg (309x500, 64.68K)

Best Platinum game and Arm Legion best Legion.

>one button combat
but that's wrong

wow. that's a lot of seething over a game bro. seek help to improve your condition and find happiness user.

Did you even play the game?

He had a really good AoE I spammed the shit out of. And the forward massive punches were fun.
Personally I stuck with the Bow Legion a shit ton. Comboing it with gun just felt so good.

>Zig Forums actually used this as bait against sony, pc, xbox fans
>Praised it as the second coming of MGR
>Game sells poorly
>Forgotten already in two months
>Proves how retarded Platinum can be with their ideas

Attached: 1599452220653.gif (1000x793, 674.85K)

>one button combat

The game asks you to control two characters at once to reach maximum effectiveness.
There's some things wrong with this game (like the slow-ass first 3 chapters), but being "too simple" isn't one of them

It sold over a million copies.

try playing on platinum ultimate you pussy