According to science, it takes 10.000 to achieve near complete mastery in a craft, art or talent

According to science, it takes 10.000 to achieve near complete mastery in a craft, art or talent

So if you have spent more than 10.000 hours total on videogames in your life you could have learned anything to near perfection

You could have been a master guitarist, an inventor, a math genius, anything, if you didn't waste all that time staring at an electronic screen

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god i wish i spent those 10,000 hours pulling on some strings that make sound

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>10.000 hours
>just over a year time
>near complete mastery in a craft, art or talent
yeah no

10k hours is not a year
If you practice 2 hours every day, it's still about 3 years

How do I become more productive?

>mfw master at shitposting on Zig Forums

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According to science wanting to chop your cock off and try and convince people you're a woman is also something realistic and believable

I'm a master coomer.

Clean your room


Better than spending 10.000 hours watching netflix

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>10000/24=416,6666666666667 days
>416,6666666666667/365=1,1 years

Why musicians always are the ones who criticize the amount of time wasted playing videogames?
Every time someone makes this thread, the first alternative offered as an actual useful use of time is always learning to play an instrument.

>He practices his craft 24 hours every single day
Teach me your secrets, no-sleep-needing user

then why am I not a videogame master?

Because playing an instrument gets you laid
Videogames get you inceldom

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>according to science
Wasn't the whole 10 thousand hours thing just something some guy wrote in a book and people just ate it up

sounds like you haven't practiced your sleepless skill for 10000 hours like i have
even if you double it its retarded to think you're a master of anything in just over 2 years of practice

>not practicing lucid dreaming for maximum efficiency
fucking casuals

10 hours doesn't seem like a lot

>math genius
You become a genius by birth, not by training. Math especially is something where the average (or even slightly smarter than average) fuck will never amount to anything no matter how hard they practice.

Dangerously based

>You could have been a master guitarist, an inventor, a math genius, anything, if you didn't waste all that time staring at an electronic screen
Operative word being 'could'.
I COULD have been one of those things, yes. I COULD also have been some shut-in making collages of female celebrities from gossip magazines to create my perfect ideal wife like some sort of lame Dr. Frankenstein. I COULD have picked up heroin, or become an alcoholic.
Saying that the only thing that stopped us from being master scientists or creatives are those dang videogames does a lot to shift the blame away from our own, defective personalities.
>your potential is like your bank balance: there's always a lot less of it than you think.

You are considered an expert in your field if you spend 10k hours, or 10 years, in the same subject/etc. This equates to around the same amount of time. Talent doesn't exist empirically
>t. psych m.a.

replying to underage bait

We only use 20% of our brain, so you could have mastered your mind and then done it in 8000 hours.

I have other hobbies.
>Voice acting

It must be very depressing to make your life revolving around pussy.
Pussy is important but hardly enough to make the desire for it dominate every single aspect of your life.

Just keep working. I went from being a retard that couldn't manage to spend more than a few hours on a given task, and I have since transformed into a gigautist that can spend upwards of 10 hours a day working on a mod for a game despite the knowledge that only a few dozen people will ever bother playing my mod.

>Pussy is important but hardly enough to make the desire for it dominate every single aspect of your life.
Then what is?

Ive probably spent 10k hours driving and im still not particularly great.

What can this thing be that I've found?

Video games.

pursue what makes you happy user, for me it's the companionship I have with my friends

ron jeremy got all the pussy a man could dream of but did he truly achieve happiness? most people would probably say no

There isn't a single thing that justify devoting your entire existence to it; you just find a balance between many things.
But if I had to choose, I would choose having a career / life goal aimed at making you happy while allowing you you satisfy your basic needs.

Focusing your life around one thing is dumb.