Hears about wasteland 3 from 4channel

>hears about wasteland 3 from 4channel
>wow sounds interesting I’ll give it a shot
>has fun until I meet the gippers
>sigh time to uninstall
Wtf games why do you keep putting sjw agenda in video games???

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fuck off pol fag

>he doesn’t just kill them

Muh sjws

>Wtf games why do you keep putting sjw agenda in video games???
Just a reminder you had gender bender cursed character in Baldur's Gate 2 and everybody thought it was hillarious at release.

Attached: spacey.gif (284x247, 1.26M)

I never played baldurs gate because it looks overly complicated and outdated

So one can say you got filtered

oh no. how dare they besmirch the good name of General Electric's whore. how dare they impune the legacy of the man who convinced terrorists to postpone releasing hostages until after the election to improve his chances of winning. not the man who sold guns to Iran and greenlighted the CIAs operation to flood America with cocaine to fund terrorists in South America. The same terrorist drug cartels that shot up shopping malls. how dare they

BG3 would remove all the banter concerning the gender bender because it would be transphobic. You know this.

In some ways yes, but now I know to skip if baldurs gate has liberal/socialist propaganda