Hears about wasteland 3 from 4channel

r phobia is showing

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>Reagan was a good guy
Ok boomer. Ignore that he started Amnesty for illegal migrants. Ignore that he started the trend of stacking debt and passing it off to the next generation. Nah, Trump is like reagan so reagan=good. jesus you fucking people

Nobody who played BG1 and 2 at release considers BG3 a Baldur's Gate. It's just another iteration of Dragon Age, which was shit game since first game.

You can still mod old games to higher resolution which is actually the only thing you need to download to enjoy the game. Though if you consider them complicated and outdated (even if AD&D 2nd edition ages pretty well) then you better skip on them, it'd be a chore to play, not even talking about ending them.

Ronnie's car is pretty based

Trump and Reagan are both good, like or hate Reagan wasteland three is using dog whistles to convince the person playing that Reagan and all republicans are cult like nut jobs who fight over oil and follow crazy religions

>BG2 does gender bender character because dev goes "hmm this is cool, I will do this"
>The same as modern devs acting like their lgbt shit is some heroic stand against bigotry
Disingenuous lefty.

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Yeah no. You're just incapable of rational thought user.

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I honestly don't know how anyone can justify defending commies.

Well, that is one way to see it lols.
The machines were indeed communists, I did kill every single last of them... expect for the fucking invincible space ship, if she werent, would have killed her too.
I do give this game credit, that actually working with the Patriarch is probably the best ending of all.
I thought they would go for some garbage ending where you pick a whore over him, but nope, the bitches are dumb or insane as they come, the dude is the one to actually get the job done and deliver on his deals.

>Implying i'm defending commies
I'm not. I just don't a give a shit if they take down Reagan because he was a traitor in my eyes.