ITT: Common gaming opinions that piss you off

ITT: Common gaming opinions that piss you off

>Castlevania starts at Symphony of the Night

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>Castlevania starts at Symphony of the Night
No one ever said that.

I imagine
>Mario starts at Super Mario Bros
is a more common misconception.

Yeah that sounds more like it.

People say "old good new bad" but really "old bad new good" annoys me more

Comparing a whip and jump to a metroidvania is still stupid even in the context of the same seires. SOTN being good doesn't make 3, 4, bloodlines etc bad. They're still good just different

>Doom is for SP Quake is for MP
From the same people that unironically say "boomer shooter"

Any version of "only stuff from MY childhood was good" is grounds for a punch in the throat.

>saying that fighting games are bad because of 'muh inputs'
inputs were challenging when i started playing Street Fighter; one year later (would've been two months of actual practice) and I can near consistently buffer into a 720 input with Zangief in SFV; all I have left is to learn how to properly set off Guile's super. You learn, but you have to put in the effort to do so

"Old good new bad" good "old bad new good" bad

Persona starts at 3.

>you just hate it because you don't like change
>it's not because it sucks
>just get used to it
i hate consoomers so damn much

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>trouble with Guile's super in SFV
Jesus you'd have a heart attack trying to do his double flashkick super from earlier games.

I never played any fighters as a kid since I had zero friends or interest in the genre but jumped on at sf4. Like the filthy casual I was, I couldn't consistently throw out a hadoken or shoryuken for the first month or so but yeah just playing the fuckin' game is the single best way to learn. I don't understand how people struggle with this now, there are umpteen ways of training and learning the mechanics and people still complain that a dragon punch motion is to hard.

>niggers are people

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I don't know if opinions is what i don't like but i just have learned to avoid

>wojaks/consolewars faggotry
unfortunately that's like, what, 95% of all threads?

I miss the old Steam UI so much
The new one feels so fucking cluttered and bloated

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>"the game should teach me how to play"
Anything like this is pure cancer spouted by armchair devs who cope with how shit they are at games by insisting it's badly designed. Doubly pathetic when it's something basic like Megaman or whatever. Those retards would have a fit trying to beat a point and click adventure

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because it runs on chromium, isn't optimized and was made by some faggot who probably designs blog pages for a living.
my old pc choked and died from just opening it.
no wonder pcs getting more powerful is "slowing down" when devs can't even optimize shit.

i guess it depends on what the game expects you to do

>because it runs on chromium
You don't think Steam was better when it ran on IE, do you?

>"Fighting games should have you unlock your moves over time. This will ease in new players!"

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i've never heard this opinion in my life, who the fuck would even think this is a good idea

>all those fucking people that struggled and seethe about the Marauder in Doom Eternal even though there was multiple ways to deal with him
>you can even BFG him if you just stun him and quickly switch to it
>hell you don't even need to play green light red light with him, you just need to blast him once and keep dashing behind him and can just super shotgun/balista him before he recovers

People get mad at him because he's the one enemy that can apply some sort of pressure.

Whoever said this never went into the Training mode

please stop wasting oxygen

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>series was shit until the game i started playing at

Never once ever heard anybody say that

>game gets a shitty sequel or remake
>shills: "hur dur new bad old good fuck off"
>game underperforms as expected
>shills: "that franchise was never good anyway fuck off"

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>[Japanese game series] needs western politically correct values!

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Didn't you know? Steam used to use trident, which is IE's rendering engine, and then they swapped to webkit and then they swapped to blink which is a webkit fork. There's never been a time when Steam had a brilliant and well optimized rendering engine and there's not really any out there for it to use. Browsers have become an absolute clusterfuck since like two decades ago.

>turn based was only because of hardware limitations

new steam is better.

Zelda starts at Ocarina of time

I've had two completely unrelated experiences where people assumed their entry point was the first game in a series. They were talking about Ocarina of Time and Super Paper Mario respectively, but just referred to them as "Zelda" and "Mario Paper." When asked "Which one?", both instantly responded "The first one," but then paused for a moment and added "Actually, I didn't know there was more than one." These people weren't too big into video games, so I'm not having a go for not being hardcore enough or some shit, but this could apply to anything. If you've just found out there's more than one of something, then why the fuck would you assume the one you knew was the first one?

>Wolfenstein starts at 3D
>Duke Nukem starts at 3D

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That's actually true because no one cares anymore about the arcade game
Castlevania 2 memes are too strong, no one ever has said that
1 and 2 are in a kind of "taste limbo". They aren't 3, 4 or 5 but at the same time they aren't like SMT Nocturne or the Super Famicom SMT games, they also aren't a mix or a middle ground of SMT games

>MGSV is bad

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I'm 100% no one has ever said that

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I bet most people don't know the older games exist.

I know plenty of people who have played Wolfenstein 3D and Duke Nukem 3D but not a single soul that has played the earlier ones. I wouldn’t be surprised