Persona starts at 3.
ITT: Common gaming opinions that piss you off
>you just hate it because you don't like change
>it's not because it sucks
>just get used to it
i hate consoomers so damn much
>trouble with Guile's super in SFV
Jesus you'd have a heart attack trying to do his double flashkick super from earlier games.
I never played any fighters as a kid since I had zero friends or interest in the genre but jumped on at sf4. Like the filthy casual I was, I couldn't consistently throw out a hadoken or shoryuken for the first month or so but yeah just playing the fuckin' game is the single best way to learn. I don't understand how people struggle with this now, there are umpteen ways of training and learning the mechanics and people still complain that a dragon punch motion is to hard.
>niggers are people
I don't know if opinions is what i don't like but i just have learned to avoid
>wojaks/consolewars faggotry
unfortunately that's like, what, 95% of all threads?
I miss the old Steam UI so much
The new one feels so fucking cluttered and bloated
>"the game should teach me how to play"
Anything like this is pure cancer spouted by armchair devs who cope with how shit they are at games by insisting it's badly designed. Doubly pathetic when it's something basic like Megaman or whatever. Those retards would have a fit trying to beat a point and click adventure
because it runs on chromium, isn't optimized and was made by some faggot who probably designs blog pages for a living.
my old pc choked and died from just opening it.
no wonder pcs getting more powerful is "slowing down" when devs can't even optimize shit.
i guess it depends on what the game expects you to do