Why is the 1800-s' Hogwarts full of pajeets, women and niggers?
Why is the 1800-s' Hogwarts full of pajeets, women and niggers?
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Presumably they take in kids from all across the British Empire which, at that point in history, covered about a quarter of the planet, including large swaths of Africa, Asia, and literally all of India.
Thanks for giving in avid PDX player a short course into the history of the British Empire.
Now, let me rephrase the question just for you: why the fuck would a magical school in the 1800-s Great Britain admit impoverished african kids from its colonial possessions? And also why would it admit women?
because the movie was and they're just going off the movie, you gay retard.
as evident by the fact that they keep using that fucking leitmotif.
GOD you're stupid.
>And also why would it admit women?
Are you retarded? Witches were female.
That's actually a pretty good explanation.
But they had their own school in those continents?
American children are minority white. Thats why.
Because no game, movie, TV show, or big media production is ever going to depict a homogeneous white population ever again, and you know that already. These intellectually dishonest rhetorical questions are just there for you get get off on persecution complex and victimhood. You're addicted to it.
>Historic accurancy of fictional wizard world
It's a school for wizards. Why would they practice segregation? It's like asking why Xavier's school for the gifted has multicultural students.
Wizards are only racist towards muggles, not each other.
>Letting untrained mages roam free
>why is the 1800-s' Hogwarts full of pajeets, women and niggers?
reflects modern-day England
can;'t believe a tranny made me laugh
Why do you even bother with this gay as shit. It is fucking Harry Potter. It is for underage girls. Who cares.
Are the Indian students the ones responsible for the canon that wizards just shat anywhere they want and make it invisible? Before Hogwarts installed toilets I mean.
Hogwarts was founded by two women
Officially there are only 8 wizarding schools in harry potter. The one school in Africa is in Uganda and you can reasonably argue that it probably didn't exist until after 1800's since they would probably teach their own kids.
The only Wizard school in all of Asia is located in Japan.
It's really fucking stupid.
It was the greatest dumbed down short as shit answer I would say generic is a better fitting word
Because, canonical to the books, Hogwarts lets in everyone. Even the shitlords. They have that "EVERYONE HAS THE CAPACITY FOR GOOD" shit.
It's a fictional world of wizards, dude. Hogwarts is one of the three great schools globally even ignoring the FICTION part it would logically make sense for there to be quite a few wizards globally that would want to go to hogwarts.
>And also why would it admit women?
haven't you seen fucking fairy tales?
witches are FEMALE
>ireland has to share the same wizarding school with the brits.
This is offensive.
No matter how much you shriek, Zig Forums is going to lose
Because Harry Potter was created by an SJW woman and she simply got lucky it became a successful series of books and movies. The woman was always a piece of SJW shit.
And also the graphics for this game look like garbage. These models are trash. I've seen PS2 models that are more expressive and nice looking.
>witches and wizards flying on brooms brewing transforming potions and casting spell and magical creatures of all shapes and size
>"yeah that's cool"
>women and minorities
>"hold up what's the historical basis for this?"
you polditors really are addicted to the outrage huh?
>the only wizard school in all of Asia is in Japan
>map shows five schools with territory in Asia
Are you stupid? Can't even argue that it's the only named school in Asia because Koldovstoretz is right there.
It makes sense though. Brits introduced their own education systems in their colonies. Makes sense that the British wizards would take indian and african magic students to teach them "civilized magic"
>Zig Forums is going to lose
The human race is going to lose. IQ is currently falling world wide, due to expanding African numbers.
>bitches are FEMALE
There's literally only 8. That map fills in "theoretical" unnamed schools.
Koldovstoretz is very clearly just for russians.
This is a valid answer though a bit weak when considering the in-universe lore of multiple schools existing all over the globe. The reality is revisionism to make JK's teenybopper magical world more inclusive to appease the SJW crowd who stopped developing at age 12.
Russia is in asia...
are you just now noticing that there is a concerted effort to lie about englands history and pretend africians and indians were always 25% of their population?
Stop being such a dumb chud. Education has always been a reason why someone would want to bring someone from a different continent to Europe. This story is from the Crusades. I bet this doesn't fit your Zig Forumsnarrative where le epic crusaders where white supremacists who spouted deus vult all the time.
You know how I know you're american?
How is this any different to
>we wuz anglos
Anglos took over and replaced the native british ruling class. Most brits are descended from the conquered, not the conquerors.
Why soibois love HP so much?
>there's a fucking school on Iwo Jima
Jesus christ JK
Why do you care?
The wizarding school is in European Russia, near moscow
Women make sense because Wizardry is a seperate culture and can have different rules. Pajeets can also make sense because India was run by the British at the time and there would be Indians in Britain, and some could feasibly go to Hogwarts instead of Poo Wizardry School.
Blacks being there makes zero sense, unless we are to believe Africans don't have their own wizarding school and have to piggyback on other countries, but that opens up its own can of worms. Even if Hogwarts took in random African wizards from another continent instead of taking in their own, you'd think the nogs would have their own schools in Africa, probably several, unless the game devs are admitting their inferiority.
This explanation would work as long as those kids have accents appropriate for their country of origin.
If everyone sounds British, its just blatant historical revisionism. Or pure laziness
Maybe because it's a FANTASY novel?
Jesus, you have no sense of humanity in you.
Europe isnt really a continent. Its a sub continent of Asia.
>pajeets, women and niggers
These people get all angsty and sensitive if they don't see themselves in a videogame.
Leave it to the twitter buzzword faggot to take a harmless statement and immediately deviate into a psychotic spiral about Zig Forums
you mean eurasia.
There needs to be more pajeets like me in Hogwarts. We would have dominated everyone and been the most educated.
There's no need to be pendantic
Samefag or just someone too stupid to spot obvious falseflag shitposting?
I mean Asia. Europe is only considered a continent because Europeans are so vastly superior.
I specifically won't be buying this game because the niggers and jannies in it. We can't even have white history anymore. I fucking hate everything.
Same reason they love superheroes and Star Wars.
It lets them imagine that, at any moment, they will be whisked away from their unhappy lives of drudgery, because they are special and will have awesome powers bestowed upon them without having to work for anything. It's a special sort of escapism for people who are unhappy with their lives but afraid of trying to change.
or maybe such a bigass landmass with such different culture between east and west means splitting it in 2 is a good idea.
>White history
>Fucking wizards and witches and magical monsters and shit
Serious question: did you graduate high school?
>got lucky
Yeah i'm sure it was luck that made those books good and well liked for it
and yet Slytherin is the designated "literally Hitler" house
Isn't the name of the jap school literally something like "magic place" that was put through google translate?
That means india is a continent and it isnt.
>It's a special sort of escapism
Yeah it's called playing videogames and having fun
The Brits always allowed the native aristocratic classes of their colonies to participate in British life
I can't even tell anymore. theres so much faggotry thats infested every board who the fuck can tell whos being serious and who is using lol ironic zoomer "humor"
If Hispanics are 1/4 of the population why does the media obsess over 13% so much?
No, it's a special sort of niche.
>Loser from commoner/middleclass background
>Suddenly gets told they're THE SPECIAL
>Get whisked away and saves the day and everyone loves them except the bad guy who is evil for the sake of being evil
>Happily ever after
It's the most cliched plot imaginable.