and yet Slytherin is the designated "literally Hitler" house
Why is the 1800-s' Hogwarts full of pajeets, women and niggers?
Isn't the name of the jap school literally something like "magic place" that was put through google translate?
That means india is a continent and it isnt.
>It's a special sort of escapism
Yeah it's called playing videogames and having fun
The Brits always allowed the native aristocratic classes of their colonies to participate in British life
I can't even tell anymore. theres so much faggotry thats infested every board who the fuck can tell whos being serious and who is using lol ironic zoomer "humor"
If Hispanics are 1/4 of the population why does the media obsess over 13% so much?
No, it's a special sort of niche.
>Loser from commoner/middleclass background
>Suddenly gets told they're THE SPECIAL
>Get whisked away and saves the day and everyone loves them except the bad guy who is evil for the sake of being evil
>Happily ever after
It's the most cliched plot imaginable.