Is this the flop of the year then? It came out in june and they are shutting down the multiplayer for its 5, yes actually 5, remaining players after 4 months.
Didn't Lawbreakers and Battleborn last longer?
Is this the flop of the year then? It came out in june and they are shutting down the multiplayer for its 5, yes actually 5, remaining players after 4 months.
Didn't Lawbreakers and Battleborn last longer?
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really mad there was no porn of this game
the robot dudes were cute
This is the first time I've even heard of this game
I've never heard of it until this post right here, granted I don't have a ps4 so I wouldn't have seen it on their e shop.
i just want buff cute robots wtf
It was kind of shit.
It was some weird ass third person tactics shooter game that played badly.
games tend to fail when no one has heard of them
Imagine having like a 40 person team and 5 paying customers
That and when they suck. Which in this instance it's both. It was no Destiny, let alone Halo.
I guess you could say the games popularity "disintegrated"
I mean, just look at it.
I dont want to fly around in some slow ass hover bike. Looks lame as fuck.
you could say that but you'd be gay if you did
wasn't that game also based on a short movie made by the district 9 dude?
This is the first time ive heard about it. Lel what a piece of carp
This was actually just a bad game
A hodgepodge of half baked ideas, complete mess to play.
make a game for nobody - act surprised when nobody plays it. also, speaking of "Halo creator"? lmao. Marcus Lehto was not responsible for anything GAMEPLAY related REACH where they made him "director" and it took him only one game to destroy the Halo formula for good. Fuck him. He left Bungie right after and never worked for 343 so the best thing I can say about him is that he is not to blame for Halo 4 and 5.
*until Reach
hahaha yeah, what if though hahaha
I think Bleeding Edge died faster
Wow, I didn't even know this came out. I saw the trailer and thought it looked lame.
lol. honestly never even heard of this game before and i tend to read up about random games even if im not really interested in them.
Marcus Lehto's a hack, this was a well known fact after Halo: Reach.
I liked him as an Art Director but not a Project Lead.
I think the game was abandoned before launch. All marketing of it stopped 4 or so months before launch. I think their funding was cut because the game wasn't at a good spot at the start of 2020 and they asked for a delay to work on it more but instead it was pushed out even earlier than wanted.
I heard more about it in earlier 2019 than all of 2020. This happens all the time so not really news.
strange that the art direction would go to complete shit the moment he gets MORE power. hard to believe he wouldn't still have influence, if not more than ever before.
The natural result of people who think they understand something, trying to use that 'expertise' to build something new and inspired, and failing hard because they didn't understand shit.
>Thinks there was a halo formula
You might not have been around for any of this kid, but H2 was the "IT IS KILLING THE FORMULA" game. Then H3... Then Reach and 4 and 5. Every game "killed the Halo formula".
Your own dislike for Halo besides your very first Halo game =/= mean the game is bad or was against formula. The series hardly had one.
Looks like this game's popularity disintegrated.
I know right, I did not like his Reach style.
This, it's like 2D Metroid games with how much it changes its own formula. No game plays the same.
I saw marketing around release time. It’s a shame because the art design is nice and I was interested in the story (formerly human robots want to stay robots, but not be turned into drones).
horse shit. Halo 1-3 are subtle tweaks on the same theme. Reach is a drastic departure. your dumbass simplification doesn't work because I played the Halo games as they came out in chronological order and I was on board with 2 and 3 as they were similar enough.
corporate SLIME.