Halo creator game Disintergration being abandoned after 3 months

I guess you could say the games popularity "disintegrated"

I mean, just look at it.
I dont want to fly around in some slow ass hover bike. Looks lame as fuck.

you could say that but you'd be gay if you did


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wasn't that game also based on a short movie made by the district 9 dude?

This is the first time ive heard about it. Lel what a piece of carp

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This was actually just a bad game

A hodgepodge of half baked ideas, complete mess to play.

make a game for nobody - act surprised when nobody plays it. also, speaking of "Halo creator"? lmao. Marcus Lehto was not responsible for anything GAMEPLAY related REACH where they made him "director" and it took him only one game to destroy the Halo formula for good. Fuck him. He left Bungie right after and never worked for 343 so the best thing I can say about him is that he is not to blame for Halo 4 and 5.

*until Reach

hahaha yeah, what if though hahaha