So finally I was able to play this game and after beating it I can say that it's better than Mario 64. It's too damn good. What are your thoughts on this game?
Mario Galaxy
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galaxy 2 is better
One of the best games of all time. Sunshinefags hate it though.
It's perfect.
Somehow true.
This. I consider Galaxy one of Nintendo’s few perfect games.
It’s good but it doesn’t hold a candle to 64 or sunshine
It's a 7/10 and the easiest Mario game.. Mario 64, 3D World, and Odyssey are all better. The only good thing about this game is bigger environments.
My PC is shit and I can't emulate it so if they port it to Switch I'll gladly buy it like a port c*ck I am.
I'm about to start Sunshine, hopefully it's good
It has no soul and was btfo by Nuts and Bolts a year later
>can't buy a $40 wii and hack it for galaxy 2
>but can buy roms for $60
Enjoy getting filtered by sunshine
How is it easier than Odyssey?
I will not get filtered, I'm a video game master
>not Odyssey
keep saying it
sunshine is the best
To be honest, I was never able to play Galaxy because of that thing of shaking the wiimote to use a basic Mario move. It's not even a question of not liking movement-based controls, but it's pure outrage. A basic character move can never be behind a gimmick.
Of course, the ridiculous Wii controller that had a single button contributed to Nintendo's stupid decision.
>better than anything
Yikes, I'm glad I don't have such garbage taste
just started it and is the gameplay only based on gravity? so far it's not that great.
Also I like moving around the cam and the game just doesn't allow it. not gonna lie, disappointed so far. still wants to play it tho'.
Odyssey had the best gameplay, a bit sad there are too many collectibles
> only based on gravity?
No no, I thought so too and I was like 'wait, so this is what people consider one of the best 3d platformers ever, huh'. Just keep playing, there are gravity sections but for the most part this game is an obstacle course, like old 2D Mario games. It's not like 64 or Odyssey
It's not. It's just more of the same but with less soul.
>less soul
>has Yoshi
It's the best Mario game, and the best platformer, and even the best space game.
Rent free.
Galaxy killed 3D Mario and prolonged the NSMBification of the series.
There's nothing soulful about Yoshi.
Literally a perfect game. My only gripe is that it lacks any real difficulty but that's just a personal preference
Mario Galaxy is easily the best Mario because of its soundtrack, story and atmosphere.
It is easily outdone by Odyssey/64 in terms of movement options, or Galaxy 2 in terms of gameplay, yes. But the soundtrack, story, atmosphere and art itself are what makes the entire experience of Galaxy superior.
its mediocre, i only like that you can play luigi
Big talk for someone in egg throwing distance.
It's nice. Bit on the slow side, but nice.
I would particularly like Odyssey more if it were separated into several small levels with a clear objective...
They say that Mario 3D World works like this, but the game will only be released next year. Apparently Nintendo does not try very hard to make these cashgrabs ports, I bet they leave 1 guy working part time to do the service and thus save even more when they sell the same game for the tenth time.
>soundtrack, story, atmosphere and art
Yeah this game has Kingdom Hearts 1 vibes, I like that stuff a lot
the spin shake actually works well and is satisfying
You know you have no argument to stand on when you resort to the "artstyle and story" argument.
Galaxy 1 and 2 would have been infinitely better if Mario had a broader moveset. I'll take 64's punches, kicks, and dives over Galaxy's spin move every time.
>galaxy 1
>more soul than 2
Literally why? I fucking hated the observatory
i personally can't get over how fucking high pitched marios voice got after sunshine. it urks the fuck out of me.
You're a fool.
No, if you're game doesn't have as good of gameplay its simply not better. Graphics and story be damned.
unless we're talking about bioshock
That's like saying if a hamburger doesn't taste as good as another hamburger it's simply not better, regardless of presentation, smell and other things.
Video games need proper presentation. And story/soundtrack/atmosphere count. Galaxy 2 has marginally better gameplay that doesn't make up for all other elements that Galaxy aces.
If you can't grasp this you are literally dumb.
Nah he is right, you are a fool. Modern video games are not all about the gameplay
Martinett went through puberty
Gradually turning on the Observatory's power and having more NPCs turn up as you encountered them in the stages gave you a nice visual representation of your progress. Galaxy 2 has NPCs show up, but most of Planet Mario is accessible from the get-go, so there's no sense of discovery within the hub.
Galaxy 2 is the same game but worse
Even disregarding all other aspects of the game than gameplay, Galaxy 1 is still better on account of being first.
An imitation can never be better than the original.
Galaxy 2 was so shit that Nintendo didn't even bother including it in their celebration of 3D Mario. They want people to forget that piece of shit ever existed.
Better, more atmospheric levels with more inspired visuals. Better music. The storybook is pure soul too.