Mario Galaxy

unless we're talking about bioshock

That's like saying if a hamburger doesn't taste as good as another hamburger it's simply not better, regardless of presentation, smell and other things.
Video games need proper presentation. And story/soundtrack/atmosphere count. Galaxy 2 has marginally better gameplay that doesn't make up for all other elements that Galaxy aces.
If you can't grasp this you are literally dumb.

Nah he is right, you are a fool. Modern video games are not all about the gameplay

Martinett went through puberty

Gradually turning on the Observatory's power and having more NPCs turn up as you encountered them in the stages gave you a nice visual representation of your progress. Galaxy 2 has NPCs show up, but most of Planet Mario is accessible from the get-go, so there's no sense of discovery within the hub.

Galaxy 2 is the same game but worse

Even disregarding all other aspects of the game than gameplay, Galaxy 1 is still better on account of being first.

An imitation can never be better than the original.

Galaxy 2 was so shit that Nintendo didn't even bother including it in their celebration of 3D Mario. They want people to forget that piece of shit ever existed.

Better, more atmospheric levels with more inspired visuals. Better music. The storybook is pure soul too.