What games caused "what were they thinkiiiing?!" situations to you?

what games caused "what were they thinkiiiing?!" situations to you?

Attached: first episode aired 17 years ago.jpg (1648x865, 126.96K)

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Angry cuck nerd

Half Life Source
>What’s the difference between this game and the only time I’ve had sex?
>at least my ex apologized after shitting the bed!

Ace Combat 7's final mission.
I kept fucking crashing in that tunnel, took me over an hour.

Ninja Gaiden Black.
The swimming sections. They break the flow of the game so much.
That and the ghost piranas. What the fuck was that shit? Why? Adding them to the second doku boss fight was just shit on a plate.

Attached: GhostFish.jpg (499x277, 31.87K)

>filtered by a tunnel mission
take your finger off the accelerator for five seconds and it practically steers itself

Borderlands 3. Not even mentioning the writing.
>Shield increases XP and loot rarity through level 10.
>cant equip it until level 12

I literally kept stalling and crashing because I was going so slow, fuck you

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the wonderful 101
the UI is such a mess it's amusing
also mgsv and one specific mission being incredibly bullshit

Most of Jak II

Or how they diminished the value of legendary items.

Missile Operation in Bayonetta.

I'm playing it right now and while it's fun I really do wonder what the fuck they were thinking making it so edgy.


On a Rail section in Half Life
Bridge level from Crash 1
Literally any Sonic past 1994

The Chocobo race from FFX

Any 2k WWE game, Thief (2014), any Assassin's Creed game after Black Flag, Mk11.

Bioshock Infinite, I'm still mad about it

Any platforming segment in a non-platformer game, or any stealth segment in a non-stealth game.

DOOM Eternal
I didn't hate it, but it really didn't feel like the follow-up to DOOM 2016 that they sold it as.

>play any card

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Favourite AVGN episode?

Attached: avgn rolling rock on the rolling rocker.jpg (480x360, 17.1K)

Every new WoW expansion

the nu doom and its glory kills. This is just shit design and I wish somebody modded the game to remove glory kills and spread ammo and health on the levels like an actual fucking level designer

Bugs Bunny for most stupid laughs but maybe Friday the 13th/Nightmare on Elm Street back to back special is my actual favorite.

>Let's give Nuxia's tier 4 to warmonger as her tier 1 AND 4

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jal-ak in osrs

Leaving Lei Wulong out of Tekken 7's base roster. What the fuck, man.

>buy the bird powers thing
>can't mash the dodge button anymore

They probably had to de-jackie chan-ify his face

RDR2 constantly resetting which weapons are equipped

I don't see myself ever replaying this game because of this part

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