Or how they diminished the value of legendary items.
What games caused "what were they thinkiiiing?!" situations to you?
Isaac Reyes
Robert Collins
Missile Operation in Bayonetta.
I'm playing it right now and while it's fun I really do wonder what the fuck they were thinking making it so edgy.
David Russell
Andrew Kelly
On a Rail section in Half Life
Bridge level from Crash 1
Literally any Sonic past 1994
Ryder Ross
The Chocobo race from FFX
Lucas Peterson
Any 2k WWE game, Thief (2014), any Assassin's Creed game after Black Flag, Mk11.
Landon Thompson
Bioshock Infinite, I'm still mad about it
Aiden White
Any platforming segment in a non-platformer game, or any stealth segment in a non-stealth game.
Jaxon Powell
DOOM Eternal
I didn't hate it, but it really didn't feel like the follow-up to DOOM 2016 that they sold it as.
Ethan Johnson
>play any card