What do you think of Kasumi?
What do you think of Kasumi?
Don't you mean Misty?
I want to cum in her until she's pregnant
She is 11.
She might not even be able to get pregnant.
needs more art of her that's closer to her canon self, fuck all this big titty shit give me flat chested misty, stop aging her up your tasteless homos
She looks like she fucks pokémon
even better...
you won't know unless you try
I love Serena more!
misty isnt even the best girl in kanto
*unzips poke*
>I'm no pedo because I only like what my inner 10 year old likes I'm grown up outside but I'm still 10 inside so I can legitimately fuck a 10 year old!
She looks like a play thing for black bulls.
this but unironically
so you haven't aged mentally in over 20 years? you're a fucking embarrassment and a disgrace to your family, have a great life pal
There's a containment board for you to make these threads you faggot.
toku's is the only acceptable rendition of best girl
11yo don't look like this
they look like this.
Well... she's not Hilda, but still good.
What do you think of Touko?
that ass is way too big
shes a slut and all of her doujins are canon
Misty is best girl because she of and a bully but Dawn is close 2nd
>dude what if we took these 12-16 year old characters and made them all look like bimbos lol
Canon ass pokegirl
She's 15. 15y old girls have tits and assess that big irl.
A lot of 11 years old can look pretty developed,not everyone grows at the same rate.
Because the ass it's for Zebstrike only, it's appropriate size there. You are only allowed to spank.
you should look up average age of first pregnancy in the classical world. Modern social norms are an outlier, historically speaking.
I want to fuck her so bad
Alternatively, he can look up average age of gypsies when they get first pregnant.
Imagine meeting a cute pokegirl on the road, fucking and impregnating her on the spot, and taking responsibility, finding a comfy town to live in and start a family together
Hilda is for fucking, Misty is for loving
Do you people prefer stuff where Rosa has bigger milkers or closer to her original size?
She gave me my midriff and navel fetish, so thanks for that
honorary rub one out every now and then for nostalgia sake
Shit, i meant Hilda.