*unzips poke*
What do you think of Kasumi?
Evan Lee
John Rivera
Mason Flores
>I'm no pedo because I only like what my inner 10 year old likes I'm grown up outside but I'm still 10 inside so I can legitimately fuck a 10 year old!
Owen Smith
She looks like a play thing for black bulls.
Jonathan Hall
this but unironically
Christopher Fisher
so you haven't aged mentally in over 20 years? you're a fucking embarrassment and a disgrace to your family, have a great life pal
Liam Sanders
There's a containment board for you to make these threads you faggot.
Samuel Barnes
toku's is the only acceptable rendition of best girl
Thomas Parker
11yo don't look like this
they look like this.
Brody Ramirez
Well... she's not Hilda, but still good.