Fuck Microsoft...

Fuck Microsoft. They've been trying to kill games and make you constantly pay for games instead of owning them since the start of last gen. Remember how badly the Xbox X reveal show went? Remember how people hated them trying to force digital only down your throat? Now all they've done is get you paying for a gaming version of netflix every month, with a bunch of shitty multiplats that you've already played.

When did you get so spineless and stupid, Zig Forums?

Attached: 960x0.jpg (960x540, 20.97K)

Other urls found in this thread:

gamesradar.com/the-ps5-spider-man-remaster-wont-be-a-free-upgrade-for-ps4-players-sony-confirms/#:~:text=Sony has confirmed that the,Morales on PS4 or PS5.

Now they are trying to kill the industry by buying it, and Zig Forumstards applaud them

>sony sells the same games you own while in xbox you use your 2003 disc

gee i wonder

>When did you get so spineless and stupid, Zig Forums?
When games became 70 dollars on top of endless loot boxes and microtransactions and dlc

>sonydrony talking about overpriced anticonsumer practices


*clears throat*

>cheaper consoles
>stronger consoles
>better mutliplats (99% of worthwhile games are multiplats)
>better controller
>games pass (all games cheaper)
>just bought doom, elder scrolls, fallout, and a host of other franchises
>supports modding on console
>built in day 1 backwards compatibility
>about to buy sega

>movie games
>$70 PS3 game

Attached: shazam-featured-image[1].jpg (620x264, 174.14K)

Gay and bluepilled. Xbased is the bes.

Attached: 20200921_200703.jpg (823x823, 88.14K)

The new Amazon streaming shit show is the next step that you invited in by paying for the game pass, dipshits.

Attached: Screenshot 2020-09-24 at 19.32.27.png (881x1217, 1.41M)

And it’l get BTFO just like Stadia.

Microsoft curbstomed everyone.