It looks like Atelier Ryza might be censored in the West

The image on the left is from the trailer uploaded to Koei Tecmo Japan's Gust channel ( The image on the right is taken from Koei Tecmo America's channel ( The censored version of the trailer was also uploaded to the international PlayStation channel.

As you can see, when Serri (the character in question) uses her special attack, you get a good view of her butt in the Japanese version, but in the western version it is covered up by a pile of dust.

Hopefully, this was just for the trailer and won't be in-game. But the fact that the dust looks like an actual in-game effect and not just an after effect makes me worried.

Attached: japanesevsamerican.jpg (6226x1749, 3.95M)

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Probably just the trailer, they're not using a different version of the game to record the trailer, it's the exact same scene.

fuck california

>released on Playstation
Oh, you don't say.

playstation trailer who cares everyones knows the switch won't be that way and will be uncensored as always

California does it again! Nuke America! Save anime asses!

Sonybros, just keep on WINNING! Yaaas

Attached: 1601129163767.jpg (1440x1420, 319.3K)

So why don’t these Japs just man up and release on PC, Switch, or Xbox? Nooooooo, gotta keep sucking daddy Sony’s dick

You do know that sony forces devs to make sure that the games are the same for all platforms if they want approval for release.

fuck sony

Attached: censored.gif (1272x706, 1.07M)