It looks like Atelier Ryza might be censored in the West

What the fuck is wrong with Americans?

>christian LGBT-worshippers censoring any nipples that don't belong on yeshu
this old story again

>christian LGBT-worshippers
Go back to the Bible, my American friends.

nintendo made the deal first besides what you say has no sense,still enjoying my uncensored games on nintendo platforms while sony games are censored sometimes they get some extra which is a furry but besides that nothing else.
Fairy Tail day one
Nintendo switch no censorship (censorship was added later in a compatibility update in case you wanted to buy the DLC)
Ps4 censored

>t. snoy

Attached: 1601135504605.jpg (1261x1399, 666.7K)

Kek, I didn't even notice this. They are so desperate to hide her butt, have to admit moving the characters around is a subtle way to do it.

This is clearly just trailer edit for whatever godforsaken reason
Anyway buy it on PC if you must

>Probably just the trailer
this from europe channel an is uncensored so is basically america or more like sony trailer that koei america is using.

plus this summer image of the botton is from america too:

But the bile is full of homoerotic messages, like the 144,000 that will be rewarded with an all male paradise for avoiding filthy women. Or how marriage and sex is bad and you should only have sex with boys and fap to icons.

PC is a port of the sony version we lose.