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I didn't realize I missed this
I sometimes keep opening my PS1/PS2 memoy card menus for nostalgia doses
We truly lived through the best gaming times
this sort of thing dies with the end of the 3DS and its game icons. I'm gonna miss it.
>*teleports behind you*
nothing personal
Switch games have the most boring square jpegs I've ever seen. I loved to blow air at the 3DS mic to see the little 3d scenes spin around
going for cheevos in early 360 games was fun. couldn't be assed with this shit now.
how can the switch is be far more outdated than the 3DS?
i can't stand this shit of the device
Wasn't there an archive of all these icons? Or someone making one at least
Gamecube system screens were peak kino. Nothing even compares.
Nice memory card ya got there, kid.
Touch anything an I'll wipe the whole thing clean.
Lol! XII is an ok game. Never bother to finish it though.
I remember Ridge Racer V icon. if you select it to delete it goes upside down wrecked.
How did Namco get away with this?
Boys, we’re home.
>memory cards
Did they fix that stupid memory card corruption bug in the Greatest Hits rerelease like Jak X did?
I remember there were a few games that did something similar, like RE Outbreak closed the door if i remember correctly
What happened to just turning on a console and listening to the music you had copied onto it? Xbox and PS3 did this just fine, then I got a PS4 and it's just gone. Even Window's built in applications don't do this well.
Man, it truly was a different time back then huh? Take me back
Did people get compensation over this?
that's a great touch
my man, that game was peak soul
I fucking love these, I always look at my collection of saved data.
Also fun fact: if you try to eliminate DMC file save, trish will starts to cover her face saflu
explain both
quick anons, tell me which ps2 game should i play
God hand.
SMT Nocturne
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Ratchet and Clank
Ape Escape 3
some of them were so lazy, look at the final fantasies, kingdom hearts, gt4 and tekken. kinda ruined everything
what happened bros? why is everything built around soulless cashgrabs and consumption? why dont we have personality like OP's pic, the WII menu, xbox 360 interface on launch.
Its like every fucking game company in the world decided that soul is not necessary, and making everything as inoffensive and plain as possible was the way to go, removing features, customization, possibilities, etc.
look at pic related for example, just boring garbage that makes me not interested in anything related to the console, just consume whatever badly ported game is thrown on my plate because its the only colorful thing on screen. Theres just no effort.
compare it to this
i dont think i have to tell you how using menus like these was an experience in and of itself, a very good one that gave you such a strong feel to what you were doing, it made every platform stand out so much
>Unformatted format now?
>*don't know what format mean*
>All save data gone forever
If you can hear this webm you are alright in my book.
Dragon Ball Z Infinite World
Some 3ds games had some good ass dioramas for the 3D logos.
i.e. the Etrian Odyssey games
there was either a chance soul cal 3 could corrupt your entire memory card, I never had that problem but I did have the other one which the cool CaC "story mode" chronicle of the sword save data would constantly corrupt so you'd have to try and beat it without turning off your ps2