Nice memory card ya got there, kid.
Touch anything an I'll wipe the whole thing clean.

Attached: sc3.jpg (315x445, 36.45K)

Lol! XII is an ok game. Never bother to finish it though.

I remember Ridge Racer V icon. if you select it to delete it goes upside down wrecked.


How did Namco get away with this?

Boys, we’re home.

>memory cards


Did they fix that stupid memory card corruption bug in the Greatest Hits rerelease like Jak X did?

I remember there were a few games that did something similar, like RE Outbreak closed the door if i remember correctly

Attached: 1b1r2ghguy241.png (639x852, 886.09K)

What happened to just turning on a console and listening to the music you had copied onto it? Xbox and PS3 did this just fine, then I got a PS4 and it's just gone. Even Window's built in applications don't do this well.