Welcome back from your quest dear

>Welcome back from your quest dear

Attached: Goblin Wife.jpg (1200x840, 136.17K)

how can human women even compete?

I can't get turned on when I see a huge plump ass because I remember my dick is too small to properly penetrate massive cheeks and I feel bad

just take a shower and get a haircut and your dick wil get bigger pretty much instantly, worked for me
also remember to act confident

please post more

They're real for one.

And as much as I wish it were true, we will not be seeing sex robots in our lifetime. Nothing outside of a fucking box made of silicone you have to spend an hour cleaning after you cum inside of it.

Honestly, it can't be that hard to find a short chick to fuck on the side if you work on yourself enough. Women don't always get in bed with billionaires, you know.

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Dick lifts. It’s a muscle.

How did you get in my house, and where is my cute lizard wife?

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The elf ate your lizard

they can't
cringe and bluepilled