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Video Games
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Video Games #5272
Video Games
Oh no no no no no no fem Byleth bros
Super Mario
Tell me about your first 'gaming' PC Zig Forums. what was it like?
What if we made a Mario game but it’s not polished or fun
How many complex/interesting female videogame characters can you name?
That kid that got caught playing torture game 3 in computer lab
What went so goddamn right?
Honestly still more next gen than the modern shit coming out. pandering to the snoy crowd ruined gaming
Is Minecraft a good game?
Have both preordered. Which should I keep?
What is your usual party setup Zig Forums?
How does it make you feel knowing Steam will shut down one day and you will lose everything?
Who's the most evil?
What's the Zig Forumserdict?
You faggots lied to me
Do you still buy physical media?
Reasons why Kawakami is the best option for dating in Persona 5 - a thread
Seriously tho wtf is this lazy hack doing?
Party Van
B-bros? The release of the ps5 is next month....I'm getting a little scared
Worms Armageddon
Congragulations to Sweden for having one of the few non japanese developed smash reps and the only one without any...
Kojimbo does it again
Sex in the game
What is Zig Forums emulating?
Move the fuck on already
How's that game coming along Zig Forums?
Breath of the Wild
Miku thread
Sonic will never ever have a good rival ever again
Who is your favorite video game character with fluffy hair?
What game series is this?
Video game characters who very clearly are not having a good time in their games
Her game was kino, right?
1,2,3,4, 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 A 1, 2!
This is the only good Dragon Ball game ever released that isn't some shovel ware trash by Bandai
This was a concept art for Asriel. I'm glad that his final version turned out much better
One day, you woke up in the body of Masahiro Sakurai!
3 weeks
Maplestory... home
Ocarina of Time 3D
Star Wars Squadron Thread
Do you think they'll ever be brought up to the Switch?
Kill rat
Is VR the future?
Ivy is sad because she is a 32 year old Chrismas Cake and no one wants to marry her
Animal Crossing
Is coffee lake good for you?
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate fighters pass 2 Thread
Why is nobody talking about this?
Alright Zig Forums, you have to choose one:
What would be the best outcome for the Mario Party series for the future?
Playing call of duty big red one, cry during D-Day mission
Ghost of Tsushima
Pokémon to Digimon
Finally got my hands on this today, what am I in for?
Make your perfect game Zig Forums
I love games like Hitman that have explorable rooms with this aesthetic
Nomad, Corpo or Street Kid, which one will you play first?
I cringed with anxiety as the lights flickered
I hate video games
Monster Hunter Rise
Someone place their summon sign down at Flamelurker please (DeS, private server, NA)
Should I play it?
Finish Halo 2 A which was shit btw
Did you marry her Zig Forums?
Is overpowered in your path
Thus began the Age of Fire
Are turn based rpgs outdated? It seems more and more rpgs have real time combat
Greatest game of all time
Spelunky 2
ITT we make a list of tr*nny games
Will Shadowlands be good?
ITT: Games that are "Its a good game but not a good ____ game"
What games are you playing today?
The charges, officer?
Make game unreasonably difficult
What is your favorite video game of all time?
You do own a Sega CD, dont you?
I’m still fucking blown the fuck back on how this happened
Okay this is supposedly the best modern Fire Emblem game...
Is this the best version of Zelda yet?
Sands of Salzaar
One of the most fan demanded sequels of all time
What would you play first?
What are your hopes and fears for Overwatch 2?
Fusing every NPC in Skyrim into a single being
PS5 outsells SeX 3:1
It really is weird to see such a prominent anti-anime influence among Nintendo fans...
LOL true enough
Average among us player
Game comes out and it's fun
I feel conflicted. What is the official Zig Forums consensus?
This is PlayStation president Jim Ryan. Say something mice about the direction he is taking the PlayStation brand!
Normie gamers will rather play hide in bush simulator or camp in a corner simulator than this
I’ve been in a coma for the last 11 years, i’ve been out for a week and i’m fucking confused about everything...
I want to go back
Game has rap """"""music"""""" in it
*ruins ur rule34*
Why is Silent Hill 2 so widely preferred to 3?
Why buy the console when you can watch the games on youtube?
According to Atlus, 13 Sentinels has exceeded their sales expectations and become very successful. What went right...
What happened to rhythm games?
What went wrong?
ITT: Oh yeah, that happened
Advanced: Monster Hunter!
About to play this for the first time, anything I should I know? should I get Torment instead?
Pokemon talk
What is it about Japanese culture that produces such unique video games?
Bara video games? Bonus points for big belly
System Shock 2
Did you enjoy helltaker Zig Forums?
Don't call it a comeback
I think I'll make some hot tea tonight, get in bed, and play Stardew Valley
Ratchet Thread
What makes this game so universally despised? You always talk about the motion controls, but what else sucks about it?
Its up
*teleports on your roof*
Do you prefer the antagonists that start seething at you when they are about to lose or those who keep their cool...
Persona 3 Remake
PS5 confirmed to have 664 GB usable storage
You are becoming hysterical
Why do vidya actors end up thinking they are actually their characters? You don't see this with tv actors
Nintendo confirms Termina was a dream
Why do Japanese devs do this shit?
Hello, military fag here. In the submarine force about to go on a deployment underwater...
Ps5 russian leak is real
Now that the dust has settled, was the texture resolution really agreeable?
It seems that Series X is very quiet
Silent Hill thread
Reminder Rex has a high chance of being in Fighter Pass 2
Mario if he cake
Tfw all that gaming experience actually starts to pay off
Pic is of most wished for Smash characters back in 2019
Sequel when?
Genshin Impact is literally Dragon Dogma Anime Edition
Zig Forumsidya characters
Do zoomers actually buy this shit?
Pixel art is ha-
What do you want a modern Simpsons game to be like?
Vidya drawthread
Hi Zig Forums I am going to die of brain cancer. I have three weeks
Why should I buy this when it literally has no exclusives whatsoever?
ITT : moments that made you walk out of the theater
Don't tell me you're like this, Zig Forums
It's finally over
Name a game where you can progress and play online
How do I get off this board?
Sans, Cuphead and Vault Boy are costumes
Can someone genuinely explain to me why people are mad about smash steve
Zig Forums tf2
What could have been
Now that the dust has settled what did we think
And of course Sony's monthly fee to play, sir
Genshin impact
I'm still buying a PS5
King of Fighters
Level where the game takes away all your weapons
We are going home bros
Can anyone explain to me how the fuck this isn’t the standard by now?
PS5’s quiet cooling ‘is even more impressive than its loading times’, praises Japanese hands-on
Jak and Daxter thread
Why would you watch someone play a video game instead of playing a video game yourself?
Super Mario Zig Forumsorld 2
I just want ONE good boku no hero academia game
Just finished Yakuza 0 and it's a masterpiece...
Is there a most soulful person on the internet?
What is the real life equivalent of gaining insight?
New game set in metropolis
Delays a game a whole year in your path
Describe Zig Forums with one image
Recommend game to friend
Linear as fuck
Games where it sometimes JUST doesn't work
"...And this is our sons room....he's quite the gamer!"
Zeewee! Kat has come yo bless this board
Just finished this. What did I think?
How much butthurt will appear on Zig Forums when half life alyx wins GOTY?
Super Mario Bros. 35
Here is your cyberpunk 2077 wife Zig Forums
Have your ever won a vidya tournament?
Nioh thread
Genshin Impact
Assuming these are the final 4 Which they are , what do you think overall?
Would you have done the same and sold your minecraft for billions of dollars?
What is it about pirating games make people get so angry? do people not like free things or something...
Turn-based? more like turn-cringe
My allowance from my wife is exactly $25 per month. Should i get Hades for the switch?
Crash Bandicoot 4 is #69 on Amazon.com's Video Game chart on its launch weekend
Dark Souls 2 looks like this?
Pixel-Art Thread
Brb, logging on
Can any bro recommend me good dragonball Z games? I have only played xenoverse 2 and I want something way better
So when will this stop?
Finish game
Start a japanese game
Date me please
*censors Japanese games worldwide
Post emis
It’s not a beard. It’s a smile
Yakuza noob here
Brawl... Home
Boss has 5 (FIVE) phases
I'm so hyped for RE8
Zig Forums the Musical VIII
I have a 5000 word essay assignment where I have to write about anything I want...
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word "cyberpunk"...
Do you think this nigger will ever make it to a James Bond game?
How much do you spend per month supporting fellow gamers?
Anyone know what happened to Crowbcat? He hasn't made a video in almost a year
4K is a me-
Who is the greatest indie dev?
Jump scares in vidya
Real men will choose the right path
Play Genshin Impact
Sony needs to purchase Rockstar or make GTA 6 a true exclusive
Last time i heard about him he deleted his twitter to stand against politics in games or something
Where the FUCK are my A-Wing chads at?
Are they really THAT bad?
He radiates such chad energy. So he definitely went back and knocked up Malon right?
Finally, a saint for GAMERS
ユニ妖精図書館fairy-kei art game yay
Among us
Why are localizers full of themselves...
Why do console users hate pc gamers so much?
Which fighters would you outright remove from the Smash Ultimate roster?
This sucks. I want to use normal copper without it turning green
Will you be buying Ryza's game?
Hadn't gotten into DMC last year until I played all of them except 2 in order so I could play 5
"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad."
Since when China became a videogame powerhouse?
ITT: Vidya OST that evoke this emotion
What went wrong?
Buy my wife's game. It will be the 1 (ONE) game adapted from an anime that is actually kino
Well, Zig Forums?
So now that World has the hardest fight in any Monster Hunter game ever, how will old gen babies ever recover?
Genshin impact
Good minecraft songs
ITT: Games that revealed that the emporer had no clothes
Thoughts on this video game company?
We need a weapon for the near future
First music artist that comes to mind when i hear the word "Cyberpunk"? Bille Eilish
Really? Rape? She wanted to kill herself over rape? How is rape that bad anyway? I don't get it, it's just forceful sex...
This is a Drow
What's the most rare game/game related item you own?
What's your favorite h-game?
Cyberpunk 2077
Why did they do it Zig Forums?
Why is it okay when they have bad drivers?
Useless ores
What went so wrong?
Post vidya characters that went through more pain than Heather
Install BF1 again
I thought it was always supposed to be a trashcan while in reality its a fucking oven
Could have chosen the moobloom which would have added a new decorative block and have a cool interaction with the bees
What's happening, Sonybros???
Did you recognize the Smash trailer as being a trailer for Steve before Steve showed up? Did anyone?
It's official, new AAA games are $90 before tax. Thoughts?
Wake up this morning
Looks comfy
Karazhan is a fan-favorite, represents everything great about WoW
Since it's october give me some good games to me enter the halloween spirit
They clearly have something to hide, otherwise they'd be doing what Xbox has been doing and sending them to people
Thoghts on 007 Nightfire?
Not sure I can buy Cyberpunk in good conscience after hearing that they said they weren't going to have crunch...
Open world
Why nobody tried to look up for a phone inside the mansion and call for help?
See that mountain over there?
Post your gamer fuel
How do we fix this, Zig Forums?
Would it be wrong for me to say Dark Souls 1 is good, but kinda overrated? I prefer Demon's Souls, Bloodborne...
Silent Hill
Do i use jap or eng voices?
How this will affect the Piss Station brand in Japan?
Muh forza
Do you guys keep forgetting we have 4 characters left...
What horror games are playing atm, Zig Forums?
Pokemon used to be so good back in the days of Platinum and HG/SS...what the fuck happened?
Is a musou enough to carry nintendos holiday?
Video game women in high cut dresses with no panties
DINNER blaster
What's MS gonna do to make Quake relevant?
Genshin Impact has a lot of dialogue that sounds like sexual innuendo but I don't know if that's my dirty mind...
Enter ancient civilization ruins
Is Midgar Cyberpunk or Steampunk?
Ywn be immortalized in a video game
Honestly, is DSP on the spectrum or just a bit dumb? The way he acts and reacts to stuff...
Own playstation 5
Why yes I always pick female characters in video games if it's possible
My wife, Kashino
Why do we choose to be like this?
The transition to American PlayStation is complete
The switch
Are online-gaming friends true friends?
This image macro has never been refuted or disproved. Sad fact of the matter is, that Morrowind's really not that good...
Overlooked vidya sins
What metroid games should I play? I want to get into the series
What's the appeal of the next gen systems? I seriously don't see it right now
Only weirdos play as dwarves
Ass Creed Valhalla
Wtf this is not bat at all. Why the world lied to me Zig Forums?
Nicktoons Kart Racers
Spelunky 2
Mario if she trans
Convince me to get a PS5 instead
I'm 22 and the PS5 will be my first console ever
Pirate Fags BTFO
Will he be able to beat it?
Genshin Impact
Toughts on bluestacks?
TES VI should have real time quest urgency
Why don't modern racing games feel fast?
Why aren't you playing Stalker Anomaly? It's completely free
Overwatch WAIFUS
Did you know that Lana spelled backwards is
RPCS3 Thread
What do you think of funhaus Zig Forums?
Is Giant Bomb right?
Communist distopia check ? (LoL)
Is kojima the biggest coomer in vidya industry?
...based, Dr Freeman?
Post your PC specs and your face while you play vidya on it
How can i have a gf like bayonetta irl ?
Why can't I enjoy vidya anymore...?
Why did it flopped so hard?? What happened to game changing VR revolution they promised us bros?
CS:GO, Valorant
The best selling next gen console is still up for pre orders
Most of people with a vocal opinion on the quality of the d-pad actually don't give a crap about the D-pad and just...
Was she literally designed for armpit fetishists?
Was it autism?
It gets good 20 hours in
Looks like the PS5 on the table is just for show and not even powered on...
Why is this allowed?
Post it
At what point did graphics peak?
Battle For Bikini Bottom Rehydrated uses the shitty Post-Movie design instead of the classic design
Why did it flopped?
Not even streamers care about it
Can someone tell me what happened on October 4, 1896 in great detail?
Monster Hunter
Ready for RROD 2.0?
Are you still pre-ordering Demons Souls? It keeps getting worse and worse the more we learn about it
Kino back on the menu boys. Zoomers need not apply
Does gaming negatively affect your health?
What video games improve your intelligence?
Peace is a lie. There is only Passion
Someone actually tested this level and thought it was fun
What the fuck was her problem
This is ugly
How does Zig Forums feel about the character design of Cyberpunk 2077?
Post vidya webms
Japanese impressions of PS5 hardware
That man....whose face appears in my dreams
What’s the weirdest status effect you’ve seen in a game?
This dumb slut will never be in Smash
Why haven't you pre ordered it yet?
The PS5 Fan Is Apparently Fairly Quiet
Welcome back from your quest dear
The PS5 is running completly silent and cool according to japanese hand-ons
Is Bannerlord worth it now? Its on %29 off and I dont think its gonna get any lower any time soon
RROD 2.0?
Are SSDs worth it for PC gaming today?
Hey Zig Forums
I am in love. Thank you China
What's the most high energy game you know? I want something that's really gonna get my synapses firing at 300 rpm
I Don’t Need To Play Death Stranding Because I Already Love It
Tfw games aren't fun anymore
Genshin Impact
Sony now forces X to be the "accept" button in Japan
Thoughts on the latest FOTM game; Phasmophobia?
PS5 SSD is a me-
>Instantly BANNED from comp play
Soul/soulless thread
Who is the video game shota of 2020?
Blobfish game when
Booby boobies soft and warm
Leftism did a number on the white race
Thoughts on the upcoming Monster Hunter movie?
What's the new hobby now that women have ruined games?
Feel like building a budget pc soon, now all i have is shitty laptop...
Where have you been when EMPRESS cracked another Denuvo game?
Games in which you can be Canadian?
In about 30 minutes Lulu is gonna play Astro's Playroom on the PS5
I utterly fucking despise Oblivion...
Is Magic: the Gathering better than Yu-Gi-Oh!?
The bandicoot 4
There are people on this board that unironically pay full price for a game
Why are PC gamers like this? Do you have to illegaly mod every female in every game to be some anime doll?
Series X gets very hot, even in stand by mode
Contra: Shattered Soldier
Are any of you dweebs actually competent at anime fighters, or do you just masturbate to the characters...
Fuck Blizzard
Is Doom Eternal a good game?
What game had the best story?
All these people seething over others having fun with a game
Makes god tier anime-styled video games
He's such a dork, how could you NOT love him?
What games do japanese girl play?
It's a disaster waiting to happen, isn't it?
Now this is soulful
Is it still the best FPS of all time?
Was the ps4 a good consoles
Subtle vidya tattoos
Was it kino?
How do we fix ludonarrative dissonance?
Best girl Leaf thread
Im looking for a team of like minded individuals to create the greatest RPG ever mad
Another youtube gaming channel going down
Just build a pc bro
What games have cute dragon girls?
ITT: Subtle vidya clothing
That girl that kept trying to play vidya and hang out with your gang
Now that fallout and elder scrolls are dumbed down for the pickle rick audience...
Who was in the wrong here and why was it the incel in the link costume?
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine