Was she literally designed for armpit fetishists?

Was she literally designed for armpit fetishists?

Attached: lightning2.jpg (1920x1080, 1.2M)

she looks like she fucks shotas

and this


Attached: lightning-hugs-hope.png (640x360, 361.78K)

she doesn't have much else going for her
even her pit game is pretty weak

based big dick shotas sniffing mommy armpit chads

So writes a faggot

Attached: lightningss.jpg (1000x1320, 731.59K)

the only important part of a woman

She's not, you just only notice her armpits because the rest of her is dogshit

>no tits
>no ass
>no legs
>no muscles
>pits are bad because no muscles
>no personality so she can't even be attractive by being a bitch