Do you still buy physical media?

I feel old as fuck, but I just find comfort knowing if a company goes under or if there’s no internet, as long as I still have electricity I can still play games

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Why the fuck doesn't Gamestop just start selling digital download video game code cards?

The only time I buy digital is when either physical is not an option or on a very rare whim when something is super cheap.

user why do you think they put so much emphasis on used games?

Same. I saw a game the other day that normally runs $60 new for under 10 bucks on the PlayStation store, so I got it, but I never would have otherwise, and for games I care about I want a physical copy for emergencies

I prefer to by physical, though I sometimes buy games digitally on a whim or if there's no other option.

They literally do

The point of physical is having it if a service stops existing, and why would they ever go through a middleman like that? Nobody except GameStop gets anything out of it

Nope. Consolefriends are finally reaching where PC was a decade ago - physical is being phased out.

I try to get physical unless it literally impossible.