I think I'll make some hot tea tonight, get in bed, and play Stardew Valley

I think I'll make some hot tea tonight, get in bed, and play Stardew Valley.

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is it a good game?

post your favorite stardew valley song

It’s alright. Early on is slow, but once you get a good production going and start making a lot of money + having lots of improvements to spend money on, it becomes addicting.

What kind of tea user? do you add milk/creamer?

Isn’t 1.5 coming soon? I’d hold on a play through until then

who's your womanfu, lads?

I reckon 77% of people, also known as chads, go for Penny to save her from the trailerpark life

I'm not a European MASTER RACE TEA faggot, so I just buy tea bags from a local grocery store. I live in America. It's nothing fancy. Just teabags steeped in hot water. Haven't decided what flavor I'll make. I did buy an assorted version, so it has like six different flavors in it.

Shit, the game is still getting updates?
Impressive. First played a few months after launch, maybe I’ll start a new save next update

I don't want to play a 2d harvest moon like game, but i've considered playing my time in portia, is that any good? It looks like it tries to be too many things at once which turns me off it.

Yeah, pretty fun, it's a good game if you just want to relax.
Good time to play with relatively stable mods though. Been playing SVExpanded with slightly slower time scale, it's pretty good.

play mineral town switch it’s decent

I'm gonna look into hacking my Switch so I can play some final fantasy tactics/tactics advanced in bed
Time for comfy fall time

minmax sim the comfy ends when you start turning your basement into your booze den
>t. stopped at 100 hours before creating walmart farm

Bigalow and celestial seasons herbal teas are tits, i drink camomille, ginger, and hibiscus teas all the time. Regular tea is cool too i guess caffeine just makes me anxious.

Never got the meme that it's supposedly comfy to play in your bed. It's way better on a comfy chair like a lazyboy with a proper TV setup, having your neck straight and not holding a huge handheld system and switching positions every 5 mins because there is no position that is comfortable anyway.

It's alright, I didn't stick to it personally. The art style didn't really appeal to me very much. I also don't care too much for the whole "juggle 10 crafting tables, each one having a specific purpose" thing unless I can automate the process.

Man I wish Animal Crossing was still comfy.


That's what I bought. Glad to hear it's good at least. I don't usually buy and drink hot tea. Thought it might help with my depression/anxiety, also maybe help me sleep better or get more relaxed and comfy.


at some parts of the game, I automatically go for the wiki before I stop myself and remember that I play to relax
but that thought is stuck there so I haven't played for a while.
For example I want the glasshouse but can't get the rare stuff for the .. those green faggot goblins in the community house so I can either RNG the mystery wagon seller or wait 3 seasons because I missed some opportunity

gotta stay at planting wheat, brewing beer and mining rocks.

>For example I want the glasshouse but can't get the rare stuff
The real trick is to know which villagers to befriend. Like befriending Emily she will probably send you cloth way before you can get sheep.

who did you marry? your answer will dictate how this thread proceeds.

I haven't started playing yet, user.

good luck then and i hope you have comfy fun, fren

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How has the stardew valley modding evolved so far? Have we finally got a good sex mod? Last time I played it was at the start of the year.

I know this is the autumn thread but they kind of go together so are there any games for pic related kind of Halloween feel?
Not specifically scary, more nostalgically "festive" like a trick or treating as a kid kind of thing.

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>Stardew sex mod
Why? I'm not above Installing sexlab on skyrim and fucking my way across a land of bimbo-proportioned fantasy women, but I just can't see the appeal in stardew.

Having vanilla handholding with intention to procreate sexs with your wife ironically, of course.
Sex is a part of relationships.

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I mean, it's kind of implied that it happens seeing as you can procreate in this game, but I just don't understand the thrill of watching the two little pixel people bump their crotches into each other. Perhaps if they went with some animatics or something? That could be kind of kino.

>Perhaps if they went with some animatics or something? That could be kind of kino.
Yeah, that is what I meant by good sex mods. Something like those more interatctive flash porn games.

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batman arkham knight is set during halloween and has a lot silly spooky moments like hunting for manbat and scarecrow and hanging out with the ghost of joker

Me too. All of what should be the best content is coming out in fall/winter and here I am just completely uninterested in going back because I’ve had my fill.

That's not a bad suggestion but it's still not quite what I'm looking for.
The next game I think I'll play is the first Luigi's mansion.