How much butthurt will appear on Zig Forums when half life alyx wins GOTY?

how much butthurt will appear on Zig Forums when half life alyx wins GOTY?

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There's like 50 different GOTY awards

the only one that matters is the Dorito Pope one, and that one's going to half life.

a vr game winning goty would be pretty cool

>the only one that matters is the one that favors advertisers over celebrating the industry
Kill yourself you nigger normalfag

Why would I be mad? What else is there? Kojimbo's Stranding maybe

its a great game

Attached: White cops wont shoot an unarmed black teen.webm (852x480, 2.97M)

TLoU2 will win, fatass

Animal Crossing

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As long as that trash Tlou2 doesnt get it im fine with everything.