Finish Halo 2 A which was shit btw

>finish Halo 2 A which was shit btw
>Move on to Halo 3
>The graphics are shit
>The sound is shit, I don't even think it's in surround sound
>Sound has no bass and sounds compressed to shit
>Looks like shit

What the fuck is this are they going to remaster this piece of shit? I don't even want to play it, it's a fucking downgrade from 2

Attached: header.jpg (460x215, 35.52K)

>New game bad
Get original opinions.

Buy a Playstation and be happy.

To do what, play no games?

>Have shit taste by saying H2A is bad
>Confirm further shit taste and zoomeritis by saying you can't stand the looks of a game from 2007

to be fair halo 3 looked like garbage even on release day

Halo 2 sucks ass and the campaign and story was completely retarded

Has nothing to do with age...i remember playing Halo 2 on Vista and think of it as nothing special besides the music.

Aesthetic it goes
Sound would go
CE>2>3 but the mix is fucked both for both classic and remastered. Bang up job there 343.
You just have taste I'm sorry to say.

>shitting on how H3 looks on the Steam version of MCC

You people have some of the shittiest taste known to man.