finally got my hands on this today, what am I in for?
Finally got my hands on this today, what am I in for?
Colton Wilson
Wyatt Evans
Old game is better
Brody Sullivan
>Old game is known for its incredible linear level design
>They go open world
Bentley Baker
It's shit
Caleb Gutierrez
>He plays on system
Kys yourself
James Taylor
>New Game comes out
>Threads all over Zig Forums
Viral and gay.
Henry Martin
>Company is now full of trannies
What happened bros?
Connor Stewart
It's a good game, but it's not a good Old Game game.
Julian Smith
Take off your nostalgia googles, retard.
Matthew Rogers
>this is what Systemfags have to play with
lmao, how will Systemfags ever recover?