Genshin Impact has a lot of dialogue that sounds like sexual innuendo but I don't know if that's my dirty mind...

Genshin Impact has a lot of dialogue that sounds like sexual innuendo but I don't know if that's my dirty mind, the translation or the writer being a master of making cute anime girls say innocent things that sound very dirty.

Attached: HxJlK3hF.png (512x512, 262.19K)

it's just you , you want to fuck girls, like a disgusting girl fetishist.

Anime my dude. Any and all Jap media is about fucking your waifu. Even with media that is primarily men only.

Absolutely degenerate

The game is made for coomers, just look how the boobs unnaturally moves, there are blatantly even all the girls stereotype for appealing everyone.
i'm not saying that's a bad thing tho

Attached: 1595444236015.jpg (1080x1080, 62.14K)

>Unnatural boobs
You're gay

I actually had a gf whose boobs really bounced up and down whenever she ran

I just hit rank 12 when do I hit the paywall?

*unzips dick*

I'm level 25 and still didn't. I think Zig Forums lied to me...