Now that the dust has settled, was the texture resolution really agreeable?

now that the dust has settled, was the texture resolution really agreeable?

Attached: 51rbb30-RCL._AC_.jpg (380x500, 26.39K)

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It actually looks pretty nice in 4k

LOL look at the screenshot.

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

LOL at the screenshot.

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Attached: 1433085865258-09.jpg (954x633, 89.88K)



Attached: 4abffff9fb522aed60f426632a29ebfb.jpg (595x588, 63.24K)

>Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Attached: 1508613754911.jpg (600x652, 35.67K)

you dont belong here

kek i le know this le meme. le put me in le screenshot

Attached: 1597674717884.gif (220x220, 1.72M)

Oh yes I do.

Attached: 1421737630895-06.jpg (420x420, 48.67K)

played it already, but i can agree the game is good. Better with these textures .

>Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Attached: 1596474449133.jpg (804x804, 254.75K)

>give the founding fathers battlesuits
>never follow it up with Conduit 3
I'm still so fucking mad.


Attached: 1601435468133.png (900x665, 136.74K)

Attached: Tucker takes on.gif (392x241, 1.48M)

what's going on in this thread?

Attached: weegee.png (302x727, 168.92K)

this thread is cute


Attached: eegee.jpg (180x186, 7.15K)

you are cute faggot

It's been ages since I've been graced with this holy meme

comfy thread

Attached: candleja_.jpg (474x327, 11.24K)

Antique meme, nice

Is it a meme at this point to screw up the candlejack meme? The point is you say it then he gets you i

You have missed HALF of the joke.

You are SUPPOSED to post a fuckton of reaction pick (You)s


decent game. fun enough. had infinite ammo unlocks

Attached: bUNXwFD.jpg (450x338, 24.42K)

i cannot believe people don't know this, wtf