This is PlayStation president Jim Ryan. Say something mice about the direction he is taking the PlayStation brand!
This is PlayStation president Jim Ryan. Say something mice about the direction he is taking the PlayStation brand!
Michael Bennett
Other urls found in this thread:
Hunter Stewart
Daniel Phillips
give it back to Japan, you fuck
Nicholas Fisher
Don't care, still voting Biden.
Brody Carter
Rats off to him for what a great job he's doing
Zachary Kelly
Luis Cox
I already miss PlayStation 4 era Sony.
PlayStation 5 is giving me PlayStation 3 flashbacks.
Nathaniel Lee
Based Microsoft plant
Adrian Myers
>Comparing the ps5 to the ps3
The ps3 was way better and had way more soul than the ps4. The ps4 literally had way less (good) Exclusives than the ps3. Plus online was free and pshome was pure kino.
Christopher Price
Fuck you and fuck your shitty Gaystation.