Open world

>open world
why are we excited for this again?

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imagine being able to choose the content you want to tackle first. imagine not having to wait until you get to a certain point in a souls game to acquire the weapon you need to make your run viable. imagine accidently running into content that is too hard for you and not taking the hint.

I'm hoping by open I hope they just mean a well crafted contained world. Besides Bethesda shit and dragons dogma I just really don't get into open world games.

because they're people with triple digit iq.


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All of that is true for DS1.

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Oh no no no

This is part of what Demon's Souls more replayable than the rest of the series. Aside from tutorial to Phalanx, you could tackle the 5 world in any order you wanted. Being able to do this in repeat playthroughs was even better when you know what world you need to go to first for the equipment, bosses, and NPCs you need to cover for your build.

Because it's open level and not open world
Imagine Sekiro, but with each individual level being larger