Hello, military fag here. In the submarine force about to go on a deployment underwater...

Hello, military fag here. In the submarine force about to go on a deployment underwater. Going to bring my gaming laptop and will have lots of time, it's my third deployment. Any suggestions for games to bring? Obviously no internet for months at a time

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total war shogun 2

Silent Hunter 3 or Dangerous Waters :^)
Also are you a nuke or a coner?

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I'm a rc dover etn1


Yakuza 0. You'll have hours of shit to do and some decent sega arcade games to tide you over.

Hut-hut, fellow army-man. Assistant sergeant from the fifth gorilla warfare division here.

I recommend taking two types of games - ones that are story-rich and have a lot of “hand-made” content, and ones that have some sort of auto-generated or sandbox content (like age of empires 2, mount and blade etc)

No offense but if everyone in the military gets paid the same why in the world would you sign up for something like this, why not get a desk job in the air force or something.

Open Xcom

Prostitutes do a better job selling their bodies to rich bastards than you



Sounds comfy, I would suggest Stronghold Crusader if you're able to use mouse

I directly control a nuclear reactor and maintain all the digital rafety systems. Takes a long time and lots of schooling to get to where I am. I also make 100k a year as an enlisted

I wish I had joined the military when I was younger, I have no direction in life. I'm 30 now and I have a decent job, but it's not fulfilling.

emulator with all the SNES games

Depending on his job he might be making a lot more on that sub than he would in a similar surface posting.

Where did you get the retarded idea pay is level?

Fuck off welfare queen the country is going to die come election enjoy you while you can


Final fantasy X the best final fantasy

NIce, Reactor Operators were always my favorite. Some of the smarter nukes in my class.

t. nuke waste officer

Thank you for your obedience to the apartheid state of Israel. Hopefully your sacrifice will earn you you a place among the sacred six million.

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I’m twenty and have no money for college and am going to kill my self soon
I’m a failure and will never get a good paying job like OP

How’s does it feel fighting for kikes and globalhomo?


SOMA if you want to scare the fuck out of yourself

Burnout Paradise
Halo MCC
Rollercoaster Tycoon 2/Planet Coaster
Sonic Mania
Prison Architect
Plants vs Zombies

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I'd say, shit tons of indie or emulator games if you have a gamepad, otherwise rpgs or rouge like games to keep you occupied for a while

soma wasnt scary

Silent Hunter 5

it might hit different when you're playing in a submarine underwater

Pretty good, I make six figures, get a lot of benefits and have no problem picking up the hottest women in clubs

I'm older and I am in the same situation, stop being a faggot and get a job, you're only a failure when you believe you are one.

Op here

Thank you for the suggestions. Will check them all out.

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My cousin wrecked my car and now I have no transportation
No buses or anything, I’m out in the country

>he has to wait till their drunk to pick them up
I get phone numbers at 9 in the morning in the supermarket checkout line.

>3rd deployment
>first class nuke on a virginia
>asking what games to bring
M-divers are literally the only non-retarded nukes I swear

Just get a wireless internet bro

>making six figures in the USN
You’re either “the” Chief or the XO or Captain, but I suspect you’re none of the above.

He's in the Navy he's probably doing it for the anal orgies.

QUESTION: Which branch of the military has the least non-whites? This is important in determining if I in list or not.

Stop talking out of your ass. This is for an e6 living in Hawaii with no bonuses or extra pays added

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>Kerbal Space Program
>Satisfactory (might require internet, check first)
>Baba is You
>Underrail (legacy version)

Air force. Tyrone isn't disciplined enough to make the cut.

More and more games are requiring internet connection to play. Even ones that are completely single player. Anything downloaded for offline use from spotify or netflix gets locked after 30 days with no internet. The tech world hates the military.


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Honestly? The Officer’s Mess. Even the niggers with commissions act white, it’s pretty great.
>take a chunk of metal to the gut, gets infected, get gangrene, have chunk on colon removed, can’t walk, sidelined to pogue detail on base to ride it out till I can go home because I shit so loud it would alert every towel head Afghanistan
>nearly get a dishonorable for being a shithead and raising hell on base
>major masturbater calls me in one day, chews me out
>but maaaaaaaaaajor....I’m a coooooooooooombat officer....I don’t knooooooooooooow
>colonel just laughs the whole time
>go home, Uncle Sam pays for a master’s degree, be lazy for the rest of my life
I highly recommend accepting a commission, it’s a lot of fun and you can literally shit on enlisted which is why the Major was chewing me out that time.

Hello fellow Seaman

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I see eighty grand, slick. Call me when you are making over one hundred grand. Fucking enlisted, can’t count for shit.

I hope the submarine implodes upon itself retarded amerimutt

I hope they get the order to light up your life, qt.

Retard can't read that all that is just base pay and bah.