Mouse and keyboard vs controller

Games where auto-aim is unnaceptable. Pic very much related

Attached: Manual-vs-Automatic-transmission.jpg (950x534, 257.42K)

Games in general would be way better if everyone was used to driving manual and cars didn't just become automatic gokarts in every video game.

What is the more risky, but ultimately far higher performing controller with the highest skill floor and ceiling?

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Why do americans drive automatics? Why are they like this?

manual fag here. I wish I could get a automatic instead and completely zone out from driving

Automatic is objectively better in high traffic metropolitan shit holes where you "drive" (get stuck for half an hour on traffic). Automatic is also better for shitty econoboxes that will never be fun no matter how you drive them.

because traffic is way more prominent in the states, and driving manual in bumper to bumper traffic is the worst shit ever.

fat stupid people incapable of using a gearstick.

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Please keep your obsession in Zig Forums

why would any normal person drive manual these days? it makes driving a complete chore, especially during heavy traffic and up hills.

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Ive driven both, if you live in a high traffic area or city, the fun of manual is gone.

Unironically, so black people can drive too.
Americans only started converting on-mass to automatics around the time of the civil rights movement.

I drive a manual, my 3rd manual car, and I find it to be the opposite. Rather than a chore it’s fun and engaging, even in city traffic. Modern manuals also have hill start assist where it automatically holds the brakes for a couple seconds making getting into first gear a non issue.

I know what the first 4 are, but what is 2 and L?
t. never driven automatic

How the fuck and I suppose to text, drink, eat and smoke while shifting? Damn your dumb.

Because they've got stop signs
t.euro who lives in america.

Also racing and third person where I don't have to aim is better on controller

>fun and engaging
This. I can't stand the disconnect you have when you drive auto. Feels like you're in a bus.
That said, holy fuck does uphill traffic suck major dick on my 2008 VAG with shitty old suspension. I wish I had a nice modern car with hill assist. At least I have no ESP

I drove both for years. Auto is miles better if you are not a racer. Especially in a city with traffic, manual is a huge chore.

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What benefit is there to manual over automatic?

I don't drive a car to be "fun and engaging". I drive because I want to get from point A to point B. I don't need my commute to work and back to be fun.

i dont understand what you're saying. O zpme pit from driving manual

Short answer
>Being special
>they fix easy
>are cheaper
>you can feel any problem
>and more things i dont remember right now.

These days? It use to be better fuel economy, but these days automatics are way better at that. Then more control for track use, but paddle shifters are objectively better. So now the only reason is, it's fun.

you sound dead inside

>he cant smoke, drink or eat while driving
Yeah, and i'm the dumb one

I'm dead inside because I don't enjoy the same things you do? Come on now, don't be so immature. If you spend your days off just driving around because you enjoy that, then more power to you. But to me and to many, many other people, a car is just a way to get from one place to another. It's a utility, a necessary evil.

>not and
Never gonna make it

>I want some fun in my life
>I'm gonna use a stick more often

If only sex, videogames, eating, traveling and hobbies existed.

Add motion controllers...
>use keyboard or a stick to steer in racing games
>track has a turn to the left
>the game decides by itself the best angle of turning without creating understeer
>the wheel turns 15° to the left
>suddently start to oversteer
>push the analog stick to the other side or push the other key
>you suddently have the full 24° (if not more on drift setups) of steering
>countersteer too hard
>end up crashing

If you want to suffer gamepad shooters try hitman blood money, the last mission and then compare it to PC if you dont believe the quake thing about the best gamepad payer being destroyed by a below average dude with a mouse.
But yes OP, they are unnaceptable if you have the option to use a mouse but consoles dont have that, or at least didnt and thats why passive autoaim is a thing.

because I am in control and not some shitty programming made to pass emissions and nothing else
>put auto in manual mode
>shift it in gear to coast down a hill
>it switches to neutral and eats fuel by keeping the engine running
>can't engine break for the same reason, cant really rev match
>need to use brakes to slow down like some mong
>takes 3 seconds for it to shift in manual mode
>press gas pedal harder
>takes 5 sec to respond because it decided to downshift right fucking now
autos can fuck themselves
only advantage they have is hill start

Attached: autotragic.webm (960x540, 2.89M)

people who gush over manual, when it comes to simple transport, just have Stockholm syndrome

>they fix easy
Not since the last decade boomer
>are cheaper
Funny how most the time automatics are cheaper these days
>you can feel any problem
Do you put the stick up your ass to feel it anything special?

Auto transmision are for lazy people both in videogames and IRL.

Attached: automatic drivers be like.webm (632x434, 1.82M)

Why has it got only 1 peddle? Is this real?