Why did we forget about this game? It wasn't bad at all

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It was unironically too long

Nobody forgot about it. I still see threads almost daily.

>too long
>story too basic
>crouching makes you stealthy meme
>cliffhanger ending
There were tonnes of threads and memes about the working Joe's at the time user. I really enjoyed it, but no replay ability really. It needed to be more like bioshock imo, better story, less samey environments. The power plant was the only memorable level to me.

>it wasn't bad at all
That's not the issue. It was a good game. No one cares about horror games anymore, they're niche. Too bad, really

It was a very niche game in a niche genre, even with the licence. Plus all the bad feeling from colonial marines.

Other than amnesia, and maybe outlast, I can't think of any other pure horror games that have made it big.

>crouching makes you stealthy
Seriously when will games stop doing this? You wouldn't crouch if you want to walk stealthily in real life. The only game that does this right is Thief as far as I know.

Started with amnesia iirc. Its just such a contrivance. If it were real life, crouching would be noisier over any distance, and you'd be walking stealthily anyway.

Well... FNAF.

The AI wasn't good as everyone said. I figured it out playing on Hard. It always seems to teleport to you even when it doesn't know where you are.