Why aren’t you playing TemTem? It’s better than Pokémon.
Why aren’t you playing TemTem? It’s better than Pokémon
>tfw there was a thread yesterday for this shitty game and I found out pokemmo was a thing
>tfw I'd been kinda down about pokemon since S&S but now I'm having a lot of fun with this
In a roundabout way I have you to thank, temtemfag. So thank you.
Pokémon is shit.
Modern pokemon is, yes. No one would disagree with you there. But temtem is more shit.
Lmao no it’s not. TemTem does combat better. That alone overshadows pokemon.
They them
user, you can’t seriously believe that tem has better combat. Come on.
the monsters look like shit
>pirate this
>get to the character creator
>choose your pronoun
They've done it. They've killed pokemon
Temtem is less good Pokemon, which is sad because Pokemon sucks
It does though. Newer Pokémon combat is an abomination. Temtem has a lot better balance too.
They look better than any Pokémon past gen 3.
>oh neat, I'm in the mood for some pokemon gam-
>early access
>Temtem is a massively multiplayer-
Pokemon has been at its worst designwise for the past three gens and they still destroy tems in terms of design. There are at least a handful of not godawful designs in every gen.
PokeMMo is ruined since the economy update tho
No, you literally just hate TemTem because pokemon came first.
Just wait for release then?
What did the economy update change? I’ve been rolling through sinnoh and nothing awful has hit me.
It'll become a singleplayer game on release?
Lol i can guarantee if they used the temtem designs for pokemon you retards would have no problem with them.
You are deluded, duder
>nintendies will defend this shit
sorry guys but tems just generally look awful, worse than digimon
>no argument
He is right and you have nothing to refute him with.
If temtem came first before Pokémon you guys would love it more.
It unironically does though.
the lowest of low pokemon designs are still better than whatever Temtem has to offer
The fucking Temtem shill is on /vrpg/ right now too jesus christ.
>noooo stop talking about games I don't like, how do I downvote posts?
Better combat, better animations, better graphics, better lore, better story, better pvp.
Reminder that Nintendo is a multi-million videogame franchise yet it can’t even do online right. Lmao.
Nobody cares about your huehueshit MMO. Stay mad.
Clearly you do since it makes you so mad you came to tell everyone how fucking mad it makes you.
I literally hate temtem because I paid money for it thinking it would be so much better than Pokemon since the bar was so low, and it was a massive disappointment. Digimon Cyber Sleuth was great, even Nexomon was enjoyable. I've played Pokemon porn parodies that were more fun. Temtem was the definitive example of soulless for me.
How do you fuck up and make Pokemon unfun due to autism? Why the fuck would you make the breeding system so much worse, cost money on consumables you have to grind for RNG, limit the amount of times you can breed, and focus battles on doubles when 90% of players prefer singles? I'll give it credit for PVP standardizing SVs like everyone's been asking out of Pokemon, but pokemon fan projects adding absolutely unnecessary tedium to games absolutely kills all the fun.
I try to play Pokemmo but that gen 5 UI in battles gets on my nerves.
Cool word salad, dumb ESL.
People shit on Temtems economy (and rightfully so, its pretty shit) but PokeMMO's is even worse so it really just validates posts like when people start saying its good.
Nope. Keep coping. No one takes pokemon seriously anymore lmao.