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Video Games
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Video Games #5290
Video Games
Sony will optimise the PlayStation 5's internal fan with online updates
So, like like new Doom dlc trailer just got leaked
Final Fantasy 16
My long distance gf of 3 years that I met on the internet playing vydia has "Black Lives Matter" in her instagram bio
Playing SWTOR during nofap is going to be torture broos
Apologise now
Is there anything to do in the prepatch?
Only 664Gb available on PS5
What mechanics would you want from a card captor sakura video game?
Holy fucking cringe
All this talk about Cyberpunk got me thinking, are there any upcoming Burgerpunk games?
Do you enjoy the new Maiden theme from Demon's Souls user-sama?
Play Trials of Mana
Start a new world
How mad are wageslaves when they realize they can't afford a PS5 and e-girls and youtubers are making more money in 30...
When they type gg ez
Who is he buying next, Zig Forums? Only believable answers, please
Cyberpunk 2077 is no longer an RPG says CDPR
Lookit this dood
Any notable platformers (besides pic-related) this year?
What was the last boss you fought that took more than 10 tries?
Has this ever been equaled?
Can you have a justified opinion about a game without playing it?
What did they mean by this?
Come clean guys, how many of you all got filtered?
BB > DS3 > Sekiro > DS1 > DeS > DS2
Here at MIHOYO we value our players
Mfw TLoU2 will win GOTY
Name one good game
Any games with this feel?
Autistic vidya shit you do
Sony's voice chat policy is more than welcome. Hate speech has no place in 2020
When the FUCK did this happen?!
Hungrybox losing sets left and right
*ruins call of duty forever*
Cliffs & caves releases in 2021
Have you tweaked your PC(s) lately?
Non-pedo coomerbros, we ARE saving our gems for best bois, right?
Reminder that by funding this game, you are funding a dictatorship that seeks the downfall of the United States...
This is Paimon. Say something nice about her
Franchise is called Ben 10
What are some based games?
Ryza 2 CANCELLED for PS5
How was this allowed?
Game has too much content
How do I get good at Overwatch?
The Elder Scrolls VI: Hammerfell
PS5: *Farts*
Full price remaster
Do you remember your first MMO experience?
When is this game releasing?
For what purpose
It hurts bros
Game has a black female protagonist
Can I interest you in a subscription to Game Informer?
The Last of Us Part 2
I can't understand why would anyone prefer classic Megaman to X series unless they are masochists who love unforgiving...
15,000 players in the West
It's been a while since we made one of those threads, so
There have been 0 (zero) good games released on PC in the last 12 years
OK ok
When are we getting The Evil Within 3? Is Ikumi Nakamura going to work on it...
Have you ever became a whale in any game?
Haha that's our Rean
Non-roomscale VR fucking sucks
Action Taimanin Thread
Why is the 6th gen consoles so loved? I could understand if you are a boomer and have memories of playing SOCOM...
Pick your potion, Zig Forums
Why does Capcom keep changing Chris Redfield design?
What should the reward have been for collecting 900 korok seeds?
Now that the dust is about to settle, what was the best game of 2020?
It got cracked on PC a few days back so i played it because hey, why not
Wait.... WHAT?!
Did your mom ever used to get games for you? If so what's the best and worst one she ever got for you?
Nioh 2
He ACTUALLY linked the first flame
Why do they need to be so accurate?
Dirt Rally 2.0
That's a good baizou, just look at the waifus. Forget all about Chinese Taipei and the uighurs
9 bucks for bayonetta and vanquish
Hey, Peter
Mafia Definitive Edition
What does Zig Forums think of Erotic 3d games?
Why can Nintendo only make Starfox 64?
OH NO NO NO NO I thought Xbox was supposed to be RDNA 2
ITT: Games only you remember
Cyberpunk trying to hard to be Cyberpunk?
This was a fantastic game and I'm tired of people pretending otherwise
You know what's the ultimate Steam red pill?
For me, it's Bayonetta
Filename thread
What’s her problem bros?
Luck > int > str > dex
Zig Forums coomer here. Post your favorite pron game, gameplay and COOM wise...
The female academic-tomboy-vaguely-innocent british VA starts moaning while confessing her love for you
Here is your indie horror game, bro
It's 4 AM
Countless vehicle variations
Hey guys, welcome to my PS5 unboxing! I'm so excited!
Japanese game
Genshin impact ads are now even on nyc trains
Next gen console
Play game
Based KFC Spain for generating butthurt from chinkoids and their gweilo slaves that the social media handler deleted...
Sony fans forever trapped in the cycle of fear, uncertainty, and doubt by their own corporate overlords
Play pokemon
How different would RE7 be if Evie was following you instead of Jack?
What's your opinion on Seraphine, League of Legend's latest champion?
Argue about what this stands for
Data on your account is not in line with the facebook user agreement
Gentlemen, how do we fix Final Fantasy?
I'm buying a PS5 because he has the cutest human form
In chess...
No one asks for these dykey, deliberately unlikeable designs
When was the last time you got excited for a game?
Zig Forums media that hasn't got a good videogame in years
That one time when Atlus allowed the player to date and fuck a 10 year old
Name a better comeback in vidya history
Total war warhammer thread
First we lost AlphaDream, then Skip, and now we've lost Level 5. I was there, man. I saw it all...
I will not pay 70 dollars for a videogame
I'm still buying Cyberpunk 2007
Why does the first Ass Creed game get so much hate? It's unironically kino
Why are baby zombies stronger than adults
People will complain yet people still buy the fuck out of these games
Is it really THAT good?
Why play video games? All it ends up being is learning how to press certain buttons in order to win...
Persona 4
Thoughts on the Devil May Cry series? Thinking of getting into it
What would you do for $1 million dollars? Some would kill, some would sell their own soul...
Black looks bette-
Is Skullgirls dead?
Media you want to see made into video games
Fairy Characters
What made these two games so great?
Mobile games
Tell me the appeal of pic related
Grease monkey
Uhhhh sisters?! Why is this allowed?
What'll it be, fuckboy?
Ninja has been getting people banned on twitch
Well imagine being a steamdrone right now, have fun with your new corporate master
How much impact do you think this article and the editorial that followed had on the industry with regards to character...
Defend this
Boss fight is just you fighting three enemies at the same time and they're bullet sponges
Did he do anything wrong?
Ghost of Tsushima Legends
ITT: we predict their next game
Risk of Rain 2
You do have your RTX 3080, right user?
What went wrong? A Sonic RPG could have been like something amazing but this one was shit
Have you played more games than usual during the past 7 months of lockdowns and hysteria?
Why are westerns so bad at designing female characters?
Aside from Wukong, what other game releases does China have in store for the West?
What were they thinking?
Main character slowly loses his mind as the game progresses and by the end of it, he's completely fucking insane
Why is it so hard for you kids to control yourselves in an online game?
Was 2007 the best year for gaming?
Are you bad at certain types of games, Zig Forums? I'm not particularly good at grand strategy games, building sims...
Vidya opinions that you get you this
Do arcade sticks really make a difference?
Am I based
Ghost of Tsushima
Are you excited?
What's your biggest issue with this picture?
It's over gamer bros... Bill Burr has ended us, time to grow up
Are zoomers incapable of enjoying old games? I'm not talking 2d sidescrollers, there will always be a market for those...
Game features unsolvable puzzles
Welcome to the Whisperin' Histbags what kind of beverage can I get you human?
What are chances that the Japanese vidya industry becomes pozzed like the West?
Play game on PC with Dualshock 4
Are juri's feet good for you?
RayTracing is a me-
Among Us Lobbies
Party member betrays you at the end
ITT: that one enemy that makes you shit yourself every time you encounter it
KINO is back on the menu boys
Why is the atmosphere in the first one so much better than the atmosphere in any of the sequels?
Spent all day sitting there doing nothing instead of playing video games
Are you actually excited for an upcoming game?
I don't understand how there are people who hate this game
Crash doesnt attract autism and anger like Sonic does even though they both went through similar downfalls
PlayStation has won 3/4 generations it's existed. They fucked up with PS3...
EVE Online
Post YFW you didnt fall for the Avengers scam
Amnesia: Rebirth
Side character hides an important secret
Give some examples of good horror games
How do you feel about virtual idol groups in video games?
Deal or No Deal Live game
Why is Crash 4 so soulless compared to the Naughty Dog games?
What's your honest opinion on these two creatures?
Give me one (1) reason why this isn't a masterpiece of the highest order
Gta 3
Games for people with High IQ
Is that... A HOMELESS GUY?!...
Funny vidya box art thread?
Who will win the VGA game of the year award this year?
Are graphics in video games improving or regressing?
Spelunky 2 thread
2B or A2 best girl Zig Forums?
What will be the biggest flop of 2021
Play PSO2
Play higurashi
Its up
Please don’t do this
Zig Forumsidya Drawthread
When was the exact moment that blizzard turned from the most beloved company in gaming into a parody of it's former...
It's bad and Kojima is overrated
What would a Tamersverse game even play like? It couldn't be like traditional Sonic because Sonic is a fatass...
If Shantae uses her hair as a weapon why doesn't she grow out her pubes to use them as a weapon as well?
Do zoomers even recognize this game
Has a video game ever made you cry before?
Best 2D platformers?
Games for family men?
Why do sexy video game women trigger so many people?
Blaster Master Zero Thread - He drew it Edition
Why does Zig Forums hate Law so much? This seems like the ideal world to live in
Hitman 2016
Is this still a thing or what is canned? Realistically what can they do on a sequel?
Sole purpose is to destroy technologically advanced cities
Game literally has God in it
Slippery Slope Fallacy
Why don't they just fucking announce it already?
Sony has betrayed me, i kneel to the PC fags
Ubishit vs Ubishit
Gaming is improved with HUGE BREASTS
Adaptive difficulty
ITT: Lackluster final bosses from otherwise great games
Have children
I hope you will :3
I hope they fixed this during crunch time
Howie Mendel
Is his fanbase the equivalent of genofags for Zelda?
Where is Mario running away from Bowser?
New AAA game comin thruu
Do i have good taste Zig Forums?
Teammate starts complaining in voicechat
Who was in the wrong here?
Honest thoughts on Olivia?
Does Zig Forums still likes Misty?
How is it that one game is so much better than another when they both play almost identically?
In depth character creator
I can't wait to play Halo Infinite and STALKER 2 on this bad boy
Sega Games
ITT: post scene from a cartoon and get a vidya recommendation
Unpopular Vidya Opinions
Alright, which of these fucking things are actually worth playing? I just hacked my 3DS and I am ready to downlood
Shitton of dc heroes
YEAH! Who won the lottery? I DID!
Using a "TIER LIST" for a fucking PVE game of all things
Even black people are playing genshin impact, so why are you? you some kind of Zig Forums browsing white incel?
Can anyone tell me why Seifer always wanted to get Squall’s attention but Squall didn’t give a shit about him?
Post a better mechanic than double jump
What is the shittest game you bought this year ?
NOITA officially released user
ITT: Games only you liked
I want to talk about the VIDEO GAME called Action Taimanin
Black Ops Col War
Finally downloaded this, what should I play?
Character has an IQ of 4948484829395939358
What's the first thing that comes to mind?
Monster Hunter Rise
Game promotes the use of pseudosciences in a court of law
BG3 thread
How do you feel about EvE Online?
This game is so beautiful... is there any other videogame with this level of exploration? you can literally go anywhere
What's the most iconic video game title screen?
Is beat 'em up the absolute worst genre there is? There's zero fun to be had
Minecraft veterans say that the iceologer would help the game in the long term by adding actual content instead of...
The Nintendo Fusion Tour was a touring rock music and video game festival sponsored by Nintendo, which began in 2003
Knack II
Cyberpunk 2077 Hype Thread
Tell me a game with a good representation of rabbits in it
You're literally gay if you think she's ugly
Greatest Final Boss in gaming history
No launch games
Zig Forums plays Ace Attorney Online
You excited for halo infinite?
Gib empty lot
What is the best song in the Zelda franchise?
Next gen is less than a month
Chrono Cross
This is why I support Sony recording our voice chats. This is completely unacceptable!
Why college doesn't give you time to play vidya
2.5d and 3d platformers
I do not understand the appeal of a game where you play as a high school twink trying to romance different underage...
Unwanted memory association
Alright real talk Zig Forums
Flight simulator expansion comes out
Game is above 50GB
It's Sunday, come celebrate Spooktober with some spooky Garry's Mod horror maps!
What game character can beat Jesus?
Nioh 2 Thread
Part 2 is delayed
What was it like to be a video gamer in the 90s?
Guilty Gear Strive
Fire Emblem
Choose your fighter
2000 hours played
Something about it feels off
What's that special game you always go back to when you just wanna have some fun?
Supposed to be platinums greatest game
Controller is borderline aimbot
Is it good? Is it cringe?
Do People Just Pretend To Like JRPGs?
What happened to Japanese car culture, and games like Ridge Racer?
This is my wife Kasumi, say something nice about her
Zig Forums the Musical VIII
What was the best boss fight of the last decade?
How would the perfect SCP game be to you? Describe the general idea and some mechanics
Link-sama... I dogeza
Any tips for an user about to play his first Souls game?
Genuinely fresh new take on an open world style game
Minecraft hasn't been good since 1.7 - 1.8 era
Kotaku asked Phil Spencer about a previous quote to GameStar last July...
Was it really that bad? I loved the first one
Would you?
Literally zero openings
40 year old man can’t handle name calling
Where were you when Genshin Impact took over the world
Show me your pet you fren
See faggot elf trying to be nice to me
What am I in for?
Mario Party
Why is she so based and perfect lads?
The state of KOF
What is the fatty going to show at TGA?
Monday tomorrow
I'm making a dungeon crawler. I need a name for the main boss. Any suggestions?
Best comebacks in gaming?
Prove that you actually play games and don't just post wojaks and bait by listing every game you've completed within...
I'm sorry user, no video games are allowed past this point
This is the new Japan. Say something nice about it
DEX build over STR build
Genshit Impact
Your choices actually have an effect on the events in the game
So apparently the reason why that meme pixel app page is down is because it doesnt exists anymore!
Nah don't fucking buy a $40 headset buy this $200 headphones instead because its better sound quality
What's your favorite game this gen?
Have you ever raged while playing a video game?
Combat was an afterthought
The leak was right about everything else
Why aren’t you playing TemTem? It’s better than Pokémon
How did Nintendo get away with this?
"To understand why this is a bad thing we have to face a hard truth that few people seem to want to face about the...
Are steam reviews the best way to gauge the quality of a game at first glance?
It's so boring bros, omg
Did you have fun with World and Iceborne Zig Forums?
I am 100% not trying to be facetious...
Is this true?
When was the last time a game you were truly excited for came out and ended up being just as good as you had hyped it...
So hows your streaming channel going Zig Forums? I mainly just play chess for a couple of hours a day...
Whats the best AVGN episode?
Dragon's Dogma
Is it worth upgrading my Switch to the newer model? Is the battery life that more noticeable...
Viva Pinata
That ONE game that's something something who gives a shit
Say something nice about my wife
Now that the dust has settled who was in the wrong here?
It's actually a good game, why did it cause such a shitstorm here during release?
Did something go wrong? No one ever talks about this...
ITT: Post CANONICALLY anorexic vidya characters
My wife Fang is so cute
Times you cheated
What games have horror elements that can actually ruin your life?
If a game is easy it can't be considered a great game unless the objective is to relax you or tell a story
Morrowind v. Oblivion v. Skyrim, literally, personified as NPCs
How did they manage to make something better than the base game?
Realistically, where does Sony go from here?
So it's confirmed that universially only westcucks were mad at this right...
What doth life?
Pirates Death Stranding
Battlestation Thread
Comfy Switch Thread
Has any game ever died as quickly as this?
Dear PCbros: I waited a generation for Bloodborne but it never came. I’m sorry..I’m getting PS5
How can this pretend to goty?
Non horror game has unexpected horror section
Xbox bros we got to cocky
You ever been to a LAN party, Zig Forums?
Would a KAIJI game work?
"mum said its my turn to play on the ps4"
What killed the Ace Attorney franchise?
Do any of you remember how utterly defective the original Xbox 360s and PS3s were...
Among Us Lobby Thread
Amnesia: Rebirth
Stupid bullshit singing thread?
All right heading out, what do you guys want?
GTA 3: Goodfellas ripoff
Sonic 3
Why aren't you making money off of playing vidya, if this guy can what's your excuse?
Is supposed to be a ninja
Cyberpunk wont have denuvo
I've finished it and I can't stop playing it
What made it so good?
This is a 14 year old chuuni,say something nice to her
Why does this franchise filter so many people?
So you're saying I have Syrian, Italian, British and Native-American ancestors?
"For a game with only one protagonist, Sekiro isn't very "cool". This type of character is often avoided in action game...
Post your walking animation
$20 on steam!!! Why aren't you buying it?!
Imagine getting scared by a video game
Why is this considered the greatest game of all time when MM and WW have better dungeons and overall gameplay?
You got Venti before the banner ended right?
What is your usual party setup Zig Forums?
Where were you when video game are now better looking than Toy Story?
Wasd or esdf?
Reminder that by funding this game, you are funding a dictatorship that is destroying the United States...
How can they redeem this series?
The far left boycotts Cyberpunk 2077 because CDPR disrespects their gender identity
*tink tink tink*
"Oh yeah, that game happened" games thread
Why aren't you playing Genshin Impact?
Satisfying vidya sounds
This is a Nintendo Game™
Amazing game
Post your idle animation
Come play my new game, silly!
Red's house in Pallet Town:
Who else is hyped!!!
“At the beginning of September, when I announced my new job at Xbox Brasil, I suffered harassment of all kinds...
Slippi Champions League Week 2
This is not an MMO, stop crying about Resin and trying to play it like it's an MMO
How come there's not a single good game about pirates?
Why is this hated again? Yeah, it's not RE2make and it's a little shorter, but the quality's there...
What went wrong?
This game sucks
Which one should I get?
Post WEBMs
Explain to me what's wrong with witcherino 3 combat because i don´t see it
ITT: Games that NO ONE on Zig Forums dislikes
Do fucking PS4 Player even know what this is? Allowing crossplay with these faggots was a mistake
I will not pay 70 dollars for a videogame
Should video games have characters with more diverse body types?
Donkey Kong Country was HUGE in the 1990s. What happened?
The video game industry is dying
Pikmin kinda sucks
[something seems to be bothering Carth. Maybe you should speak to him and see if you can get him to open up about it]
ITT: "Problematic" Character Designs
What's a "Mary Sue" and what are some examples of one? Why are they so prevalent now?
How can anyone take this fucking game seriously
Get matched with qt on tinder
Can we expect Switch sales to finally slow down once the PS5 launches and florishes?
War Thunder/World of Tanks
No JRPG has 50+ hours of consistent, high quality content
Ninja characters
Literally FFXV of Nintendo, a pointless dead open world and a few gas sta-, sorry "villages" spread across the map
Spend $1000s "building" a new computer
Streamer's girlfriend comes on stream
What are the last five games you played, Zig Forums?
FF7 Remake for PC fucking WHEN?!
Miis should have a classic mode in Smash Bros Ultimate
ITT:essential mods
What would it actually take for this franchise to die?
Remember when Zig Forums unanimously hated lootboxes a few years ago but is now actively fawning over gacha games?
Dood I was pressing the button, you don't get it the game is bugged
Post yfw 100% hp
WoW Shadowlands
Should persona have an adult cast?
There’s not a single fun video game out right now
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine