>adaptive difficulty
Adaptive difficulty
>higher difficulties only unlock when you've beaten the lower ones
>coolest looking outfit has shit stats
>enemy scaling
>wear it anyway
>Lowest difficulties only unlock if you fail too much
>boring weapons are the most effective
I hate that. I don't really replay a game right away after finishing it.
> beginner
> easy
> normal
BEat it on normal to unlock hard. Beat hard for expert
>Have to kill enemies 100 times for a single piece of their armor
>only wearing outfit/armor because of stats
>not dressing how you like and powering through it despite the shit stats
faggot, i honestly can't relate
>double-tap direction to run
>Hello Gamer, yes you on the couch!
>We've noticed that you died more than once in this level, so we've taken the opportunity to adjust the experience to let you (YOU!) progress with NO challenge!
>If you want the experience you actually played this game for, feel free to reload your hardsave at ANY TIME!
>use old save
Fashion > Stats, any day of the week.
>rent random fighting game as a kid
>has a mode where you can train the AI to fight, every move you use it will use against you the same way you used it against the AI
>train AI and have it fight other trained AI
I can't remember the name of the game and I know it isn't as complex as it sounds but it is possible if implemented correctly
>you died, would you like to switch to very easy?
>mashing the button so you hit yes
>Tap forward while walking to run
>Double tapping while stationery doesn't work because you never got into the walk state before you tapped it a second time
>Tapping too slow would get you out of the walk state before you tap it
I hate this game
>starting weapon/character is the best in the game so you grinding for the other ones is just a waste.
>easy difficulty is too easy
>normal difficulty is too hard
>hardest difficulty is designed to be played after unlocking shit from normal play
>literally nothing indicates this
>goofing off and having fun
>game automatically sets itself to easy
>time to take the game seriously and actually play it
>game is still stuck on easy
Smash Bros
Works in God Hand since you have to work your way up and the trick is getting it up and keeping it up. Challenge yourself to do better, or wimp out and grovel for mercy like a little bitch.
nu-Killer Instinct has shadow mode which does exactly that
>game literally laughs at you and sends you down a difficulty level if you get hit too much
Amiibo fighters don't learn shit. It's all a placebo.
>Boss can stunlock you
Final nemesis boss in Re3make is almost impossible to beat because of this
>Only somewhat difficult part of the game is suddenly in the middle of the game instead of getting gradually more difficult
>So difficult you have to go back to the earlier levels to farm extra lives
Was Max Payne 1 the first game to have this shit?
Crackdown 3 was pretty bad at that
>play racing game
>even though it is only the beginning few races, the adaptive AI already has every race basically being a 1v1 where you're half a mile ahead of the rest of the pack
Fuck you NFS I dropped the game after only 5 or 6 races because the AI was absolute bullshit
>Higher difficulty is just the AI cheating
>The game is now about figuring out how to exploit the AI
I'm not sure if CTR Nitro-fuled has adaptive difficulty, but it does suffer from 1st place being 5+ seconds ahead of anyone else.
>Adaptive AI
>literally getting punished for being good and coddled for being bad