Only 664Gb available on PS5


Attached: ps5-1280x714.jpg (1280x714, 42.44K)

The UI includes those fancy quick resume gimmicks, storing the game data requires extra memory.


If you're enough of a loser to fill that much fucking space with games, then you're enough of a loser to have fast enough internet that you can redownload games quick enough that this shouldnt matter

>The UI includes those fancy quick resume gimmicks

>Sony didn't do something to increase the limit by 2GB so it would be 666GB

go back
we've been knowing this for months

But Xbox has all those and still manages to give users over 800gb of storage, why cant Sony ?

microsoft doesn't have to worry about games developement costs

So it fits the entire PS5 library with space to spare.

Because the ps5 has a 825GB SSD and the Xbox a 1TB one. Both need roughly 200GB as quick resume cache.

They didn't show the quick resume feature in the UI reveal...

Not buying it. Don't care.

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>Only 664Gb available on PS5
it takes 3min to copy 100Gb from external HDD to system storage

Attached: ps4pro_hdd.jpg (1008x756, 198.29K)

What do you mean? They cold booted to the sackboy game in a resume state at the very beginning of the video.

oh damn I thought both had a 1TB SSD. That's quite worrying it been THAT low in storage, I hope this upcoming generation of games are not as consuming on storage because some of the recent AAA games have been ridiculous

>However, it should be noted that because the leaked imagery appears to show a development kit, the final figures for storage space available to users could differ slightly in final retail machines.
i guess nobody read OP link, not even the FAGGOT itself

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>fill that much fucking space with games
AAA games are breaking 100GB per, that's 6 games at worst, 12 at best.

I actually don't get why it's not larger
I didn't think the area storing bits is that expensive at all, the controller is the expensive part

Using a SSD should reduce size in some parts as they don't need to copy the same file 1000 times to prevent long loading times. But Activision says fuck that and still will do it making the next game 250GB+

Wasn’t the fast storage of the ps5 one of its main selling points? Doesn’t needing to use your own slower external hard drive completely defeat that?

Remember when Zig Forums was making fun of xbros for having to use an external HDD and now Sony users are defending external HDDs.

I hope Sony and Microsoft start forcing developers to optimize their games from now on, Sekiro got GOTY and it was only 16 GB

>Remember when Zig Forums was making fun of xbros for having to use an external HDD
I don't remember that, actually

>overall weaker console
>less storage
>no PS1-3 BC
>can't bring the controller forward
>priced same as competition yet is weaker
>launch title is a PS3 game
how the does he keep doing it lads

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Im still like 99% sure activision is doing it as a stunt/social experiment rather than some good technical reason

You can't expect all devs to compress their textures user. That is precious loading time!

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One more reason to wait for the Slim, I suppose.

The PS5's SSD uses a custom 12-channel memory controller.
So it can use 825GB/1650GB/2475GB only
Im sure we are getting PRO version with 1650GB in 2022-2023

they didn't switch between multiple games though

>only 660gb available
>zoomer games use up to 250gb
>gaystation trannies will only be able to install 2 movies

oh no no no no

*adds 10 new made up languages to increase it to 500gb game*

More than enough.

Attached: im still buying it.png (447x562, 39.83K)

There is only one game that uses 250gb and it has no business being anywhere over 50gb.

They included the 2GB Astrobot demo so it wouldn't be

New consoles have fast hardware decompression, so it'll accelerate loading times to compress your textures.

They invested heavily in other tech instead of just churning out a faster PS5. If they didn't have the separate 3D audio processor, SSD controller and DS5 tech they would match the xbox without problem if not exceed as I think the proprietary SSD MS uses plays into their pricing strategy.

Those are very weird numbers. I was expecting them like making next year or in 2, a version with 1TB then the slim and pro 2TB.

They booted that car combat game and sackboy was still in quick resume tho

I have 3 terabytes on my PS4, and half of my games o not downloaded because not enough space.
Conclusion is that you are a retard.

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>it takes 3min to copy 100Gb from external HDD to system storage
if hdd reading speeds are so high (4.5 gb/s according to you ) why sony isn't using them instead of ssd you dumb duck

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>The flash controller, why may have been designed by Samsung (along with the memory), has 12 channels and offers bandwidth of 5.5GB/second. Six of them are prioritized for gaming.

>Cerny says the 12 channel interface was the main reason Sony chose the odd 825GB storage capacity for the PlayStation 5.

Well what if someone adds a 2tb nvme ssd onto the ps5? how is it going to utilize that


Attached: Frampt.png (564x468, 378.63K)

They are counting at PCIe4.0 SSD speeds exceeding 5.5GB(they are right)

How about not make your games xbox hueg in size. Oh wait ps5 hueg.?!

Just don’t buy big budget AAA games. I don’t know how the Japs do it, but most of the games they make never break above 100gb.

I have 1TB SSD and 3 extended storages 2TB+4TB+4TB.
see All 342 games in my library are installed

Is it just me or are there no interesting games coming out for it on launch?