>Game features unsolvable puzzles
Game features unsolvable puzzles
a divide operation is just another form of multiply operation so you do any divide operations on the left first. the answer is 16
No. Distributive property of parenthesis. You perform the operation inside the parenthesis and then you multiply by the number attached to the parenthesis. Only then do you perform the unattached operation
8 / 2(2+2)
8 / 2(4)
8 / 8
It’s 10 you tards
shit thread
Its 16, but I can see how people get 1.
I sincerely hope this is bait
Literally 4(4) which is 16 you inbred retards
16, whenever the equation ends up being: (add/sub) or (mult/div) you work left to right
Is common core actually a real threat to the future?
Do Americans really...?
fuck you american.
Only retarded americans think its 16
graduated highschool
Okay obviously 2+2 goes first since they're in parentheses, but since division and multiplication are of the same priority, we go from left to right in that case instead of multiplying (2+2) and 2, correct? Then it's 16.
It only fucks over americans
That's how people get confused.
PEMDAS motherfucker
because apparently only america is taught PEMDAS
Do americans don`t know the parethensis there are used exactly to indicate that should be the first operation to be made?
frog poster + avatar attention whore = dick sucker
This is bad notation. The parentheses next to the 2 has tricked everyone who answered 1 into thinking that you need to do that multiplication before doing the division first, when in fact there's no reason that should be the case. I hope this has helped.
An actual math problem would never be written like that for this very reason.
The ÷ sign is not used once you get to algebra for this exact reason.
I’m American and it’s 1
it's like it's intentionally ambigous to troll people or something
There we go.
These stupid questions are always bait. Any real mathematics would use fractions rather than a division symbol, in which case 8/(2*(2+2)) = 1. but this question isn't asking that, and using PEMDAS 8 ÷ 2(2+2) = 16
Southfag here.
We all know it's 16, the way that people get 1 is outdated as fuck, please stop resolving your operations like that.
Thank you.
Why don't we just put everything in multiple layers of parenthesis' so the order you're intended to solve it is obvious?
For example
8 / (2(2+2))
The only reason its confusing is because it uses that in-line division symbol that you'll never see outside of a pre-algebra textbook. If the division operation was represented as a fraction (as per usual in any meaningful applied mathematics), no one would be confused about what the answer should be.
It's 16. It's fucking 16. I see no reason why it wouldn't be 16. I'm fucking absolutely terrible at math and even I'm fully aware that the answer here is 16.
You should have been taught in high school that you can only add parenthesis if it doesn't change the equation
funny how the world has to band together to stand equal ground with America.
8/2a = 4/a
a = (2+2) =4
4/4 = 1
in america you are taught to solve inside parantheses first
(2+2) = 4
the parentheses are now gone
and then you just do the problem left to right
because Multiplication and Division hold the same prioritized precedence, as do Addition and Subtraction.
in America you could answer this with 16 and it would be considered correct
>people get confused by adding another set of parenthesis that isn't there
If you answer 16 you're a brainlet and please don't take STEM
Yeah, We used ":" to indicate divisions exactly because of that.
Brackets = (4)
Division = 4
4 (4) = 16
I sincerely hope everybody in this thread is baiting
A parenthesis is a parenthesis, you cant say its only a half
Ooooh gooood
I'm calculatiiiinngggg
1 if you multiply the 2 to (2+2) so it's 8/(2(2+2)) or 16 if you go directly left to right so 8/2(2+2). First one used to be the "correct" way, now they use the latter for order of operations without this peculiarity. Only zoomers will tell you its 16. Either way the operation is presented poorly and ambiguously
Nothing ambiguous about retards not knowing or understanding the order of operations
It's 1 why the fuck was this on fox news?
This entire thread
Multiplication does not take priority over division, fuckwit. Just like addition doesn't take priority over subtraction. Once you take care of the parenthesis, you do them in order of writing.
see now fuck off
This isn't true. You skipped the distributive property.
you're trolling
1lets BTFO
When the fuck am I ever gonna use that in real life? Yeah I'd like to order 8÷2(2+2) hamburgers.
My god it scares me how shit some of you are at Math.
That's not how it's written in the OP
This. No different than a poorly written sentence.
But multiplication has priority over addition, so you'd do a distribuitive multiplication
2(2+2) = 2x2 + 2x2 = 8
Then 8 : 8 = 1
Multiplication goes BEFORE Division. It’s PEMDAS
literally put this through any good calculator / programming language and you'll get 16
Precisely, you're terrible at math so you probably never went beyond highschool level. Any real algebra course stops using that type of notation. Most people who go beyond would read the problem as 8/(2(2+2)) when the problem is technically 8/2(2+2).
it is true though
even calculators come up with the same answer
because the problem isn't set up properly
That would imply 8 / ( 2(2+2) )
But it wasn't written that way so it's not the same problem.
>funny how the world has to band together to stand equal ground with
8 / 2(2+2)
Parentheses first
8 / 2(4)
Division comes first because division and multiplication take the same precedence
Multiply for 16.
Solution is 16.
Multiplication/Division and Addition/Subtraction are on equal levels, you do left to right.
What kind of special ed school did you go to?
>Twitter user @pjmdoll shared a math problem: 8 ÷ 2(2 + 2) = ? Some people got 16 as the answer, and some people got 1. The confusion has to do with the difference between modern and historic interpretations of the order of operations. The correct answer today is 16
What THE FUCK are they teaching in schools nowadays? Holy shit no wonder zoomers are so retarded.
Or better yet, 8 / 2 * (2 + 2), which is what the problem actually says.
This, what the fuck. Just stop.
holy based
Listen here you little shit. PEMDAS is more like PE(M=D)(A=S)
Computers can only read right to left they dont account for order of operations, so often in mathematics people got it wrong because they relied on this, you need to individually do it like
the way Americans are taught you are not supposed to touch anything outside of the parentheses. so you would do 2+2 THEN do the rest of the equation
Retake 3rd grade. Learn PEMDAS. Then try again
Fucking retards keep trying to force it into a fraction when it is written as a pre-algebra division problem.
The answer is 16 with how the problem is written.
8/[2(2+2)] is how I would look at it; inline division is used for teaching children and is not usually used in the upper levels of math, although this comes from an American educational perspective so maybe the Euros do it differently.
when there isnt anything between the bracketed equation and other equation its considered X(times)
did your schools teach you wrong on purpose?
It's BODMAS in the civilized world, you American retard.
I can't believe you people are still taught that shit, alongside ft/inch/mile etc, fucking it up for everyone else.
oh yeah now what
If you're a programmer you better know your order of operations.
That's fucking stupid.
D/M and A/S are the same priority. They go left to right
I bet algebra one as a senior was tough for you.
Multiplication and Division are on the same level of importance, so you work them left to right.
you can't even do pemdas right lmao
They just don't know what's first... to add/divide.
This is why rockets explode. I hope you're happy, Zig Forums.
Following simple BOMDAS/BODMAS, start with the Brackets
> 8 / 2 * (2 + 2)
> 8 / 2 * 4
There is no Order/Of functions so move to MD, Multiplication & Division, these have no hierarchy in terms of Multiplication or Division overruling one another so we follow Left to Right rules.
> 8 / 2 * 4
> 4 * 4
> 16
The answer is clown with a flamethrower
The M is before the D, numbnuts
The amount of assmad in this thread is palpable, holy shit
>It's a 'Zig Forums argues about who can do math made for 10 year olds better' episode
I hate reruns.
do not respond to dick suckers
It's 16 you fucking morons.
are you just not reading any of the thread?
they have the same precedence
1 million
Don't tell me what to do!
>its a people argue over basic math that can be checked on literally any calculator episode
Someone fell asleep in class.
It's 16 you goddamn retarded apes.
>t. guy who went from straight As on math to barely getting a passing grade ever since 7th year
quick maths
How were you so confident that you didn't at least GOOGLE the problem first to learn you were wrong
oh ok go back to sucking dick like the faggot you are
I'd trust Texas Instruments over any anons on this board. I typed it out exactly as in ops pic and it spits it out this way.
Checkmate, Atheists.
retards, on my Zig Forums? it's more likely than you think.
I hate math.
Why is math taught so poorly in the west?
>back in high school
>didn't understand something
>get explained to me briefly
>still don't understand it because they didn't explain the reasoning
>teacher chews me out and says I'm not listening
>give up on math because I'm afraid to ask for help
That's the point. It's a common dumb trap using basically the math version of vague wording to try and lure people into making an assumption.
It's also specifically designed to fuck with people that learned PEMDAS but don't remember it properly (or were taught it wrongly) and think Multiplication ALWAYS comes before division instead of having equal priority.
It's 16 did you retards fail 3rd grade math?
Did you lose track of your own insults
are you me?
8/2(2+2) = 16
8/(2(2+2)) = 1
When would you unironically need to know this in real life? What field would problems like this come in use?
I'm seriously asking because I've always wondered.
Math teachers tend to be more bitter and mean than teachers of other subjects for some reason.
Because you share a classroom with niggers
I used wolframalpha