Are you ready for the Ubishit leaks??

Oh no no no no no

The ransomware operators who hacked Ubisoft and stole their data are now threatening to leak Watch Dogs: Legion, which was "completely downloaded from company servers".

Ubishit apparently had their source code freely accessible on their main network. Passwords were in plain text in doc files without any protection.

All the employees and devs' personal information was stolen.

To add insult to injury, the hackers asked "If the goal of the last mission in your game about hackers was the hack of your company, we've done it. Where's our prize?"

>"There's a possibility that soon we will make a present to all fans. We will compile and upload the game to public access. The games of such level should be distributed freely. Nobody should take money for this."

So not only did they get their game stolen, but the hackers played it, confirmed it was shit, and will now probably leak it.

Attached: watchdogslegion.png (824x356, 54.58K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Galaxy brain Ubisoft devs putting all their password in plaintext. We will never be able to truly understand their artistic genius

Attached: watchdogslegion2.png (868x893, 117.68K)

where is this from?

>threatening to leak Watch Dogs: Legion
That's like threatening the police to kill a corpse.

Does anyone care about Watch Dogs you'd think they'd be threatening to leak Asscreed

the hackers' website on the dark web

Maybe because its release date is coming up sooner. Assasscreed will launch next month

>when you fill up your company with incompetent diversity hires and they leak all company secrets and company data

couldnt have happened to a better shitty corporation hahahahah

>threatening to leak Watch Dogs: Legion
Am I supposed to give a shit?

Attached: bored clipart.png (1418x1138, 227.14K)

Ubisoft employee pls go