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Video Games
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Video Games #5294
Video Games
Blade Runner
Worms Armageddon
Women of Zig Forums
What are some of the best and most essential phone games out there? No Gachas please
Playstation games are not movi-
Casually tortures a man to death for muh leedle one
Iam tired of vidya bros
Entire game turns into a roll-fest by the time you reach the inside of lothric castle
Nocturne remaster
This is Ragna the Bloodedge from Blazblue, he's gonna be added to Smash Bros. Ultimate soon
What was the point?
What's it called when you marry your mother in-law and raise their child...
Fucking why
If we ever get a Metroid 5, how could they continue the story after Fusion?
All-digital gaming. i've been this way since 2016 and I'm fine with it
Will Street Fighter 6 be good?
My wife Ann Takamaki!
What's the best posture to play vidya ?
Imagine buying games
And YOU Shitposter you just baited half a board!
Cyberpunk confirms E-Celebs have a heavy focus in the story
ユニ妖精図書館fairy-kei^art game for everynyan。
Constantly lack rupees
Thoughts on Caves of Qud?
It fucking sucks
*jump scares you*
Why is it so short?
What does Zig Forums think about this? Does this change your controller preference?
What is the comfiest game you've ever played?
Meanwhile on Galactic Republic Zig Forums
Cyberpunk 2077
Game comes out and it's fun
Harry Potter RPG
Underrated or overrated?
Why is Sony doing this?
Playstation 5 is VERY EXPENSIVE in Latin America
This was 13 years ago
The new Doom DLC is out and I'd like to fucking talk about it please
Post official artwork from video games
Captain! Open the door
120FPS only for $299
Videogames were for nerds
A Hero Nobody Knows, Full roster with DLCs
Genshin Impact world is based on real life locations
VR thread
If you've been wondering what Inafune-san has been up to, look no further. That shit is fucking hilarious:
Play Japanese game
Lets have a thread for all the cute, tan video game characters out there
Volcano High
So this is the Power of Breath of the Wild's influence
What games have knights vs samurais
Battlestation thread. Post em
Best Final Fantasy battle system
What does "immersive sim" even mean?
What the fuck was Jeb’s problem?
Post some vidya eldritch
Persona Thread
Immortals Fenyx Rising
What movies will you be watching on your PS5 on launch day?
Sony lost this war months ago. Your people are broken. Scattered. Hunted. Defeated... by me...
Does Zig Forums still like risk of rain?
Fire emblem gets a fan traslation and an official translation
Controller or KB/M?
With the rerelease of the first Fire Emblem game, I wanna get into the series proper. Where should I start/stop?
Your appointment to FEMA should be finalized within the week, I already discussed the matter with the senator
Spelunky 2
Toons thread
Laugh at Metafags thread
Post about an easter egg in a game
Are you happy with the time you've spent on vidya?
Guys, is it safe to call Among Us dead?
Everyone praises mario 64
Hey faggots...
Heard any news from the other boards?
ITT: mechanics you hate
People shit on 70$ for a PS5 games
HUUUURRRRR blackwashing isn't a thing you're just being paranoid
PS Nation will no[t] forgive this
PS5 graphics look no better than PS4 graphics
Dude what if we made this boss have a giant unblockable aoe
Game that literally turned you into a weeb if you played it as a child
Where were you when a single doggo destroyed Zig Forums?
Speaks for itself
Keep your bigot sandwich while I go on a rampage and kill dogs too... bigot
>It's okay when Nintendo does it
Minecraft is dead. Take the Hytale pill
The next generation of gaming is only 3(THREE) weeks away
ITT: your favorite insults to use when losing an online match
Red dead redemption 2
I don't understand why anyone would ever waste their time playing an indie game
I'm trying to get into JRPGs
Choose wisely
Games that make you feel this way?
Game is great
I love Reisen
Here's your Nathan Drake bro
You DID buy the two GOTYs of the year, right?
Quest design and writing is going to surpass even the fucking Witcher 3. It's fucking happening bros...
Deus Ex Thread
What's your favorite race in WoW and why?
How were you supposed to know that you had to cut a tree?
Utter garbage
What's your favourite block game?
What game made you go from [not liking certain games] to [not liking games]...
Toys already on clearance
Would you let a GAMER girl bully you, Zig Forumsictims?
Oh no no no
‘Legend of Zelda’ live-action: Brie Larson eyes Princess Zelda role
Unsettling gmod videos
Zig Forums the Musical VIII
This thread again
Mystery Nippers
Why aren't you playing Caves of Qud?
WTF? Why does RE3 cost $60 in Argentina bros?
MK11 Rambo gameplay
Flopped lol
Gameplay > Soundtrack > Graphics > Story
Is minecraft bedrock really THAT bad ?
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light – Coming 04/12 on Nintendo Switch
V was the only bad part of dmc 5
Post yfw FE got localized before Mother 3
I want an Anakin Skywalker game that plays like Metal Gear Rising
Who the hell wanted this?
Cyberpunk 2077 is not what marketing wants us to believe
Class change back into aquatic
Gacha coomers, not even once
Among Us: Lobby Codes
Is Final Fantasy 7 Remake good for you?
Hey loser, we're making the next game of the decade. You in?
Riding around the town of Valentine
If you hate discord, are you admitting to not having friends? It's all anyone uses to communicate online in 2020
RED DEAD REDEMPTION finally cracked!!
We finally did it
Yandere Dev : one more debunk
Are khajiit the most unique fantasy beast race?
Will Rambo become the best guest character in MK11, boys?
Asalam aleikum
When are white people gonna get a theme
Will degeneracy be portrayed positively or negatively in Cyberpunk 2077...
I miss Gunz
What single boss has given you the most trouble in a game. Did you quit in the end like a pussy?
Minecraft: Java Edition will now require a Microsoft account
Why are male/male romance options in games so bad? Why are the options either super ugly or poorly-written?
Cracked by a WOMAN how does it make you feel Zig Forums? I know you're seething
I'm really hoping all of the costumes are as good as this one
Why 11/10 anime girls always stuck in mediocre/bad games
Paid characters in japanese games are hot girls with huge tits and asses
Famitsu Sales
Alright you memeloving fucks, it's THAT time again...
Action Taimanin
What is your favorite Hispsanic Vidya? It's Their month now
What can be done about the massive amount of cheating in PC games?
Are you ready for the superior cyberpunk game?
ITT: Moments that made you jump up and scream "YAAAAAAAAASS KA-WEEEEEEEEEEEEN!!!"
Post your western vidyafu
I'm raiding aq40 for the first time tonight
Does your parents approve of your gaming lifestyle?
Play Avengers
*pokes you*
Genshin Impact thread
Religion bad
Why tendies on youtube and twitter keep pretending that switch won this generation and is the best console of all time...
You have TEN (10) seconds to post your favorite vidya rabbit, or else
Why did they do it, Zig Forums?
110GB torrent that will probably have viruses or not work properly
Was there ever such a thing as a realistic ww2 game?
Why did vr fail?
Why don't games have female werewolves?
Is DMfD Ver. 3.1.3 make the game better??
Play PSO2
What games let you see your own tits?
Help me out Zig Forums
ITT - Post moments that made you turn the game off and say "That's enough for me"
The Combine eliminated obesity
Kojima Kino is back on the menu
What the fuck was his problem?
Is it going to be shit Zig Forums ?
Diablo 2
Someone's cellphone rings during class
State of Steam
What went wrong?
How do you feel intcel bro
2020 Roguelites
Haha fellow gamers
Cyberpunk 2077
Christianity bad
"I play video games for the challenge! It's a doggy dog world! If you don't have the killer instinct then git gud kid!"
How do we fix the current state of video games journalism?
Best games for wholesome adventure feels?
He plays on ultra settings
Square Enix 'couldn't develop anything' during COVID-19 lockdowns
Death Stranding 2 incoming. Get hyped
Linux Gaming Thread
Is it good now?
Black Souls
What the hell is Genshin Impact and why is it so popular?
What's a good time wasting game for 5 weeks? Until Cyberpunk releases?
So what exactly did Vendrick steal from the giants? Was it the giant's kinship? The throne of want...
Developer literally shames you for making a white male character
Is CDPR creatively bankrupt? Why does their 2077 Cyberpunk look less cyberpunk than 2020 cities?
Play fighting games
I just lost my list of 20+ games I was waiting to go on sale because Sony decided to delete wish lists without warning...
Why did you stop playing animal crossing?
What did pqubes mean?
I cant believe we had games like this on Playstation just a few years ago, uncensored no less
*makes unwatchable content in your path*
Past a certain age, a man still playing videogames can be a bad thing
Paimons english VA is great
Amnesia Rebirth
Why does cyberpunk cause so many to seethe?
Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity
Harry Potter RPG
Higurashi is so good!!! OMG Gore!!!! BLOOD!!! so edgy
It's fun with friends
Which character is worse?
Childhood franchise had sexy animal ladies
Would you play a Bully game set in 2006?
Character is obviously underage
Caves of Qud
Post her if you got her :)
Genshin Impact 1.1 in less than 20 days
I really wanted Cyberpunk to be good but I’m convinced it’ll flop
New Scorn gameplay
Is this a well-balanced party?
This is literally me next month, i'll get my monthly pay and loan to get the latest consoles, games and PC equipment
DMC - Devil May Cry
What are some good games with bright sun and strong colors?
I miss when this fucking move would blow out speakers
I dont know guys but paying 60 70 euros for a games seems so much better now after this shit
ITT: peak female video game character design
This is what videogames are about. I haven't felt this enamored by a game since Metroid Prime
What is your HONEST opinion on this character?
What do you say, Zig Forums?
Which race is the best mmo race and why is it Night Elves?
Among Us general
Dragon Ball Z "Kakarot"
How do we solve the loli problem in games?
When did Minecraft lose its soul
Cyberpunk 2077
Surprise, surprise GameFreak lied. All Pokemon models were found in Sword and Shield game files
Near the final battle
Mobile games
Is VR good for your eyes if you're legally blind?
Genshin Impact Grosses $140M in 3 Weeks Worldwide
Has made zero notable video games for the past 30 years
Total war warhammer thread
Was it soul?
It's late. What video games have you played today?
Why don't you have a girlfriend?
Girl who was raped as a child has the best sex scenes and is the most kinkiest
Why don't you play fighting games?
Will we see wii fit trainer in another game Zig Forums?
Monster Hunter Rise
Favorite vidya ships?
Just finished this masterpiece. I'm really glad we have more inclusive and diverse games, being trans myself...
This game doesn't understand the aesthetic of Crash at all...
The pic that destroyed Fire Emblem Heroes
Have you ever played a game simply because someone you like plays it?
What was the last good videogame made here?
You play as a pregnant old hag
FF XVI coming 2021
Final Fantasy is getting popular again?
I keep dying in Nioh 2. Should I move to another game? it looks like an artificial difficulty game to me
Would you?
We've seen enough gameplay to know it works better first person
What MMORPG are you currently playing?
Has the hate on dsp gone too far?
Got raped so hard she needs to cope with the flamboyant dyke persona
spend hours chilling out in my base listening to the gentle hum of industry
Video Game Reaction images/gifs
Are there any protag Jewish people in vidya? Only one I can think of is Johnny from TLAD
This board is absolute garbage. Just look at it. Why are you here?
Tfw it's 2006
Lets see how based Zig Forums's taste in music is:
How Do You Like Your Female Armour?
What an absolute pile of shit this game was
Be honest, how many of you have ACTUALLY not bought a game because of politics?
How do I get good at disgaea?
Why did fishing games die?
LEAKED Smash Bros. DLC character
Which community does he represent?
What vidya hit this lonely and comfy aesthetic?
Hello Zig Forums I just wanted to let you all know that when of the most overhated YouTubers boogie 2988 has played and...
Choose your destiny lads
I've got into the habit of watching people play games (sometimes over a hundred parts) on youtube...
Cyberpunk Outrage Marketing 2077
Game has a pregnancy level
Character does literally nothing wrong and is the true hero and/or saviour of us all
Game is based on greek mythology
ユニ妖精図書館fairy-kei^art game for everynyan。
Cyberpunk 2077's ABYSMAL number of vehicles
What happened to Konami?
Walk into gamestop
Tfw Larian destroyed one of your favorite franchises with turn-based SJW garbage
Switchlets pay $60 for a rom hack...
Thoughts on Katsuragi from the TITular video game series Senran Kagura?
ITT: Characters that did nothing wrong
Off work for a week and i just got these, what am i in for fellas?
Post your top 3 most played Steam games, NOW!
Cyberpunk 2077 is going to be the most revolutionary and well designed game of this year...
Virtual youtubers are not video games relat
Rimworld tundra
New game is announced
Darkest Dungeon 2 on Epic Store
Racial equality
Are you ready for the Ubishit leaks??
Uhhh xbros did we just lose?
Boss, his eyeball glowing
Was the changes to textures in 1.13 to De-Notchify the game?
Children love sex
I will now buy your game
ITT: Vidya phrases that have been permanently etched into your mind from repetition
This is almost unplayable without Mick Gordon
Nintendo won
Which was more influential?
What's that one video game you shit on here in Zig Forums but secretly enjoy
If you could shut down ONE gacha game, which one would it be?
Super Mario 3D All Stars
I’ve heard that a lot of content was removed from the final product, is it true...
Zig Forumsidya Drawthread
Oh shit guys...
ITT: Actual overrated as hell games
Female character do you want to Smash
Play The Sims
Sound thread
Has Destiny succeeded as an MMOFPS?
There's Mario, Zelda, the list goes on
Send me your shop music bops
Why is the hype surrounding 2077 so enormous? is Cyberpunk THAT normie of a genre?
Any oldfags, neets or otaku want to talk about video games?
Game takes place in providence rhode island
What went wrong here?
We need to give our alien police from an evil intergalactic empire a handgun
ITT: First game is the best in the series
Racing games
Sup virgin, I'm your bodyguard
Boss battle has a church choir/chorus
Scenes from a hat
What's the most specific tech issue you've had with a video game?
For those of you getting a PS5 or Series S/X, are you keeping your old console or selling/trading it away?
Dont bully her
How the fuck did five people create the most influential game of all time...
Find something good about this game
Yeah, that happened
As we near Haloween
Silent Hill Thread
I'm dropping Doom because of this shit
That one boss which fucking ravages your butthole the first attempt
Let's settle this once and for all
Name one exclusive without searching on the internet
Khaji'it or Argonian?
Play Mobile Games
Which Mario game has the most raw, unfiltered SOUL?
Behold Zig Forums
Game is remastered
What videogames do Mexicans play?
Yeah, I'm thinking Final Fantasy is back
Does Chrono Trigger deserve that much praise Zig Forums?
Cultural phenom
ITT: cursed ports
I am the vidya game fairy
Why haven't nearly half of Persona 4 Golden owners on Steam beaten Yukiko's Castle?
Why is Sega pushing the deadly six specifically Zavok and Zazz?
Favorite Tony Hawk game?
PlayStation will Die
How hard is it to program a decent RPG game?
They censored it
"IT'S OVER" edits
Now that the dust has settled are you still mad? Honestly?
He killed millions
Playing DOOM in 2020
How did this game turn out like shit? I was really excited for this one Zig Forumsbros
Age of Calamity
9.0.1 removed Steve's meat in one of his victory poses
Toons thread
Do you people really can't hold back your bing bing wahoos in public?
ITT : Post a weapon, others guess the game
Why would he do this?
I'm depressed and just wanna DEEP DIVE into a game. Recommendations plz?
Gaming isn't politica-
New Game
Its time
When did you finally realise she’s kinda hot?
This was the beginning of a chain reaction that led us to the shitshow that is the year 2020
Is there anything more reddit than making an ugly character “””ironically””?
Why do poorfags hate VR so much? Is it because VR is unavailable in their third world country?
It's been a year already, surely there are new announcements/leaks by now, aren't there?
Is there a video game equivalent...
You guys did beat the final boss of Sekiro right? You aren't a casual, are you?
Tell me one great game
Besides the Exile, what could defeat him?
Are witcher elves (besides DA) the only elves who have it hard in life?
Garbage Ubisoft towers
Are you going to be a vidya character for halloween?
ITT: Mechanics that make you go pic related
Is Knuckles on the spectrum?
Minecraft Migration
This is the best fighting game ever made
You chose the correct love interest, right?
Why did Nintendo retcon Mario to be Italian? I thought his Brooklyn origins were pretty good
What if they were friends for once?
I have never played Fable
Genshin Impact Hits $140M Revenue Worldwide
This is the future you chose
You think because you say nothing... You are strong?
Nexusmods bans political mods until the election happens
Would you like Abby in TLOU2 if she looked like this?
Yes or no?
Amnesia: Rebirth
Vidya recommendation
Nerf what?
Monster Hunter
We need a futuristic pistol
Why do game developers think this was a common technique in swordfighting?
He was absolutely right. This place is shit
Member when Zig Forums was actually about video games?
Very bad gaem
What's stopping you from developing your own game?
What video games are you going to make with godot when 4.0 comes out...
Why aren't you playing this game, Zig Forums?
17 hours maintance
We doin' this or what?
Alright Zig Forums name me one (1) game that features a mantis, or the bug gets it
Your going to buy her game right user?
Would you rather have an edgy male protagonist or a "cute/sexy" female protagonist?
Itt we complain about smash
Should I build my own PC? I never did it before
Whats the Zig Forumserdict?
Adding literal who e-celebs from gaming websites, thus buying 10/10 scores
Let's train to our best today! Ok?
Is TPHS 1+2 remake any good?
How the fuck is this shit even allowed to be made? Fuck console players
What are the best games that have asian mythology?
Cyberpunk tiny map
People like to bitch all the time that the west often sucks at character design. Well fuck that...
Born too late to experience the golden age of arcades
Tfw nobody to play Mahjong with
Do you have this as your theme yet? No? you aren't some kind of racist are you?
What games have they made?
Mfw it's Spooktober
"More games to feature female protagonists"
""Subtle mention""
Based Developers
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow is the perfect video game
It's close to midnight
If only we had listened
Okay so I never played this and it is on sale in Steam now, and I see you guys shill this game here sometimes...
Is this even true anymore?
Can playing games in a different language help me learn it like it does English for ESLs?
You guys are going to romance Jud Alvarez right?
Was this the peak of the series?
Are they right?
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine